Title: Festival of Music 3
Category: Now and Forever
Cassette 1: Side B
Song Title: Family, Now and Forever
Composer: Ross F Jutsum
Performed by: The Young Ambassadors
Ambassador College - Young Ambassadors
The Young Ambassadors Dedicated to the worldwide family
In Spanish, "sommos una familia"
In German, "wir sind eine familia"
Italian's, "noi siamo una familia"
In French, "nous sommes une famille"
In Russian, they say "me semja"
In Hebrew, "anachnu mishpaha"
Chinese, "woman shur yi jar ren"
In English, I'll tell you, my friend:
We are family, now and forever
Like jewels for the kingdom prepare
With our loved ones we cherish and treasure
The wonderful memories we share
Reflecting on life-time endeavor
Our faces will shine like the sun
We are family, now and forever
Together we're growing as one
No matter what accent or language
No matter what nation or tongue
To friends far and near
The message is clear
Our family's becoming as one
Begotten and soon to be born
That glorious age soon will dawn
It's more than a phrase or a dream
It's all that our life's meant to be