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What was Joshua promised if he obeyed the commandments?

Joshua 1:8
Congratulations! You're a Girl
Youth Magazine
February 1983
Volume: Vol. III No. 2
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Congratulations! You're a Girl
Karen Meeker      |   Remove Highlight

Sugar 'n spice 'n everything nice - that's not a very scientific description of femininity. What are successful, poised girls really made of? Whether in a basketball uniform or a beautiful flowing gown, hard at work or talking to friends - some girls seem to have a vibrant, friendly personality that tells the world, "It's fun being a girl!" They don't believe those who proclaim passionately that girls got shortchanged in life. Those people need to take a second look. Being a girl who's truly feminine is a challenge, but it has fantastic benefits. In the 1960s and '70s there was a great push to make both sexes look alike - from hair length to the same cut of blue jeans. This look didn't last and the pendulum is swinging back. Frilly lace, feminine ruffles and soft pastels are back.

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Youth MagazineFebruary 1983Vol. III No. 2