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What does the flood out of the serpent's mouth represent in Revelation 12?

Revelation 12:15

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The "Pact of Paris" Will It End War? - Continued

Editor's Note: This is the final installment of this series of articles on world peace. Preceding installments related how world leaders are proclaiming "Peace and safety," while leading nations prepare feverishly for war, and they dealt with the fundamental reason which will prevent Leagues, Confederacies and Pacts from ending war and revealed facts regarding Mussolini's plans, aims and purposes. The present articles discloses startling facts concerning secret treaties and alliances and sinster movements involving Russia, Germany, Turkey, the Pope, and the generally unknown "black pope," head of the secret Catholic Jeuits Society.

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The Bible AdvocateNovember 20, 1928Vol LXII No. 46