In the last day, that great day of the feast
Jesus stood and He cried aloud
To the Jews and the Pharisees, and the chief priests
He addressed the assembled crowd:
"If any man thirst, let him come unto Me
And he'll never thirst again
And from out of his mouth, living waters shall flow
Everlasting life for all men..."
Rivers of living water shall flow
God's gift, the whole creation will show
Peaceful, and free from fear
Gentle, and crystal clear
One day from new Jerusalem shall go
Flowing, at last the whole world will know that God
gives to those who freely receive
Rivers, if you believe
Jesus has said: "Let him freely partake
Of the water of life I give
Just like a spring where the waters don't fail
He will flourish as long as he lives"
When the Fountain of all living water returns
He will let the oppressed go free
And the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God
As the waters cover the sea