Seven Steps to a Good Marriage Seven Steps to a Good Marriage
Stephen Martin  -  Good News   -  February 1979

President Jimmy Carter said, prior to his inauguration, that the strength of a nation lies in its family unit; I agree with him. God is very much concerned with the family concept. He instructed Adam and Eve to begin the first human family. This is patterned after the heavenly family that God ...

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The Missing Dimension In Sex The Missing Dimension In Sex  -  Chapter 11   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1980

The God-Ordained Uses of Sex. WHAT IS THE REAL GOD-ordained use of sex in marriage? WHY have the millions of unhappily married never known either this WHAT, or the HOW? WHY is adultery, and other immorality, a SIN? Is it merely because a harsh God gave a command, or was the COMMAND given because its ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 06, 1942 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 06, 1942
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 06, 1942

I have a most urgent message for you at this time. I am writing from Hollywood, where again I am speaking daily Tuesdays thru Fridays for a total of four weeks over KMTR at 8:30 a.m., in addition to the Sunday broadcasts. And so again I will have this printed and mailed to you from my office in Euge ...

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Heaven and the Resurrection - Part 1 Heaven and the Resurrection - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

What has the world today got to do with the world tomorrow? What is your life now got to do with the future? Say 100 years from now when you die, what happens next? Theologians have all kinds of real interesting ideas. Some of them are so hilarious; they really are funny. Have you ever heard about g ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 26   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

Caught in Newspaper Business Trap: GETTING back into the newspaper business was a tragic mistake. A too dear price now had to be paid to learn an important lesson: when God once truly calls a man into His ministry, he must "keep at it, in season and out of season" (II Tim. 4:2). And if he attempts, ...

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If You Were God, How Would You Look at This World Today? If You Were God, How Would You Look at This World Today?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Youth Magazine   -  October-November 1985

Of course, I know many do not even believe God exists. But just suppose and suppose that you, yourself, were God the Creator. You had created a perfect and beautiful earth. You put mankind upon it. You gave the earth rich soil to raise food and beautiful trees, plants and flowers. In the earth you h ...

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Are You Just Are You Just "ENDURING TO THE END"?
Richard A Wiedenheft  -  Good News   -  July-September 1973

Some in God's Church simply intend to "tough it out" until Christ returns. Literally, they are "ENDURING to the end" (Matt. 24:13) - but not the way Christ intended. Are you making their mistake? THINK BACK to the time just before your first contact with the message proclaimed ...

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The Hidden Knowledge The Hidden Knowledge
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1979

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - Why so many different religions in the world? No two agree. Yet I suppose most feel that theirs is the one and only RIGHT religion. And then there are the millions, religious and nonreligious, who, through modern education, accept the theory of evolution. Evolutio ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1982

There is no end in sight to wars. The only visible prospect is accelerating escalation. Yet there is a SURE way the West could end the fear of nuclear war IMMEDIATELY! This surprising article is the conclusion of the article "1982-THE YEAR OF VIOLENCE?" in the previous number. MANY ASK, &q ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 21, 1956 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 21, 1956
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 21, 1956

GREETINGS, in Jesus' name! For many, many months I have been wanting to write to you, and now I have a very special announcement I am happy to send you. We have opened permanent offices in London. The PLAIN TRUTH and other literature requested is now being mailed from our London office. We ...

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SMOKING It's More Than Just a Habit! SMOKING It's More Than Just a Habit!
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1983

It's taken a long time for an agency of the United States government to officially state what's really been known about smoking. For years smoking was thought of as just a habit, though a particularly bad habit, for many. The latest U.S. government view, shared by many health officials and suppo ...

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Personal from the Editor Personal from the Editor
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1968

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - ON MY MOST RECENT visit to our campus in England, I was accompanied by the Managing Editor of The PLAIN TRUTH, Dr. Hoeh. He was reading a book. It seems he is always reading a book, for he is a scholarly man. The book's title caught my eye. It was My Life in Adv ...

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If You Were God, How Would You Look At This World Today? If You Were God, How Would You Look At This World Today?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August 2, 1975

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - OF COURSE, I know many do not even believe God exists. But just suppose - and suppose that you, yourself were God the Creator. You had created a perfect and beautiful earth. You put mankind upon it. You gave the earth rich soil to raise food and beautiful t ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1982

Is there definite design and purpose behind human history? Or is history a meaningless series of random events? Many have wondered. Is history simply an arbitrary succession of events, a meaningless patchwork of random incidents, devoid of purpose? Or is there some sort of overall design or recurrin ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 18, 1961 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 18, 1961
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 18, 1961

Mrs. Armstrong and I are back at the college in England for a short while again. Do you realize the significance of recent events? WHY are the Jewish people in the nation they have named Israel staging this Nazi Eichmann trial in Jerusalem? Not because they are thirsting for his blood—but because th ...

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