Pity the poor CRIMINAL! Pity the poor CRIMINAL!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1969

Paradoxically, millions of our people live in fear of crime. Still, attitudes toward criminals continue to soften - some crimes are so sensationalized the culprits are virtually praised as heroes. What's happening to old-fashioned indignation against wrongdoing? This article probes current trends, ...

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The Bible Story - Volume IV The Bible Story - Volume IV  -  Chapter 84
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1985

WHEN Jonathan overran a Philistine garrison, King Saul called for men to come to Gilgal to get ready for war with the Philistines. Thousands of Israelites obeyed the summons. (I Samuel 13:1-4.) But when they learned that a huge fighting force of enemy foot soldiers, horsemen and charioteers was appr ...

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Stanley R Rader  -  Pastor General's Report   -  October 31, 1978

I would like to announce something that gives me great pleasure. I had a choice of announcing it at the end of my talk or at the beginning, but it is the kind of thing that I don't want to postpone announcing even that much. My daughter Carol, whom Mr. Armstrong married last June at our home i ...

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The Bible Superstition or Authority? The Bible Superstition or Authority?
Ronald L Dart  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1969

Man would like to get rid of the Bible. He's tried. for some reason, however, that ancient Book refuses to roll over and play dead. It keeps on impartially proclaiming, "Here is Truth," in face of a barrage of criticism unparalleled in the history of literature. There are those who will tell you t ...

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An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties  -  Chapter VII   
Robert C Boraker  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

MORAL DIFFICULTIES: The so-called "moral difficulties" are some of the most perplexing ones found in the Old Testament. They include the practice of slavery, polygamy, warfare and acts of treachery, deception and cruelty. But they can be solved by applying a few basic principles. ...

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Who Should GOD'S Ministers Be? Who Should GOD'S Ministers Be?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1958

If the Bible truth were known, thousands would never have "chosen" the ministry as their profession! Should you teach, preach, or "witness" for the Lord? How does God call His true ministers? "I've been called to preach!" said the eager young man to the elder pastor. ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 94
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1968

DAVID — VAGABOND KING! TO TRY to impress on Israel that death would befall anyone who gave aid to David, Saul ordered the execution of the priests of Nob, although only Ahimelech, the high priest, had helped David. Saul then sent the executioners, led by Doeg the Edomite, to kill all the other peopl ...

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God's Church Is Watching God's Church Is Watching
Albert J Portune  -  Good News   -  August 1959

THE GRAND smash climax of six thousand years of human experience is upon us! World news events are rapidly fitting together into the breath-taking and ominous picture that God foretold thousands of years ago! We in God's Church have the opportunity of being right on the scene - on the inside as it ...

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Just one more thing: Are you dull of hearing? Just one more thing: Are you dull of hearing?
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  June 10, 1985

Every month, the work's Editorial Services Department receives hundreds of letters from readers responding to the Church's publications. The majority are positive and complimentary; they come from people who are thrilled with the truths they are discovering and who want to express their apprecia ...

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Help the Underdog! Help the Underdog!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  April 1960

It is natural to sympathize with the underdog - the fellow who is persecuted or "picked-on." Let US understand again how this applies in God's Church. HAVE you ever had what is known as a "suffering hero" complex? Chances are, you probably have. Most of us have it once in a great while, but quickl ...

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Peter In Rome? Peter In Rome?  -  Chapter VI   
David J Albert  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  June 1973

In our study of statements linking Peter with Rome by the early ecclesiastical writer, we come now to the first of the Latin writers, Tertullian, a Carthaginian whose works were done in the first quarter of the third century. It is from this Western presbyter that we receive the most definite statem ...

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How God Calls HIS Ministers How God Calls HIS Ministers
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  September 1957

God's Church is growing larger every day! With this great blessing comes a great danger of which most of the brethren are unaware! GREETINGS brethren, from South America! I'm writing this article from the capital city of Uruguay, on the east coast of South America. Mr. Rea and I have been having ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 72   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

Providential Acquisition of English Campus. NOW WE come to the year 1959. The office my son Dick had opened in London had expanded as far as it could expand. It then occupied the entire floor of an office building in downtown London. However, the office building occupied but small ground area, and e ...

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FOOD GLUT - or Famine? FOOD GLUT - or Famine?
William F Dankenbring & Gary L Alexander  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1969

News of a supposed "Worldwide Food Glut" has made headlines. Some think the danger of a population explosion is past! Others say the population bomb is still relentlessly ticking away. Is the world on the way to self-sufficiency? The answer is in this article. "There is no starvation ...

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Do You Have a Spiritual Blind Spot? Do You Have a Spiritual Blind Spot?
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  March 1983

Are you sure you see yourself - especially your faults - the way God does? Before you read this article, hold this magazine about 12 inches in front of you so that the black dot on the opposite page is level with your right eye. Cover the other eye with your hand. Now look straight at the dot and, k ...

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