False Beliefs False Beliefs
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

The big news of the World Tomorrow is there is going to be one, and you know where you'd have to go to find out about that. You'd have to go to the strangest place you can imagine. The place most people, I imagine, would never look — the last place on earth that anybody would think they would fi ...

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This Is PETRA! - Part 3 This Is PETRA! - Part 3
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  July 1962

This concluding installment continues the history of Petra from the Old Testament, and reveals the prophetic significance of Petra's past. THE second installment revealed that Moses led the Children of Israel through Petra toward the Promised Land. At Petra, Miriam was buried. Nearby, atop Mount H ...

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If all you read is the title, you may have - FATAL FAMILIARITY If all you read is the title, you may have - FATAL FAMILIARITY
Charles F Hunting  -  Good News   -  January-March 1973

YOU have just been challenged! Your first reaction to the above title will perhaps be to assume that you already know what is to come next in this article - or in other articles which might appear in The GOOD NEWS. "It's just another article, in another guise, on some old and familiar subject," yo ...

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GN Focus: America Begins Here GN Focus: America Begins Here
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  May 1984

If you want to see how America ends, you drive south from Miami, Florida, down Highway 1 until you get to Florida City. Stay on Highway 1 down to Key Largo, then over the chain of islands known as "the Keys." After a hundred miles or so, you reach the last island, Key West. Follow the road ...

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The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part 1 The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

Just think before we had an opportunity to find out why we're here, we learned how to annihilate ourselves from the face of the earth. Now, that's the ultimate irony, isn't it? Mankind has arrived at the place of the acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge, a kind of knowledge ho ...

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Gene H Hogberg  -  Pastor General's Report   -  September 25, 1979

BIG BOOSTS FOR CHURCH UNITY: Vatican sources, on the eve of Pope John Paul II's visit to Ireland and the United States, have announced the convening of an extraordinary conclave of cardinals in November. The purpose of the meeting has not yet been revealed, but it will undoubtedly be an important ...

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The Origin of LIFE - Part II The Origin of LIFE - Part II
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1956

Can Evolutionists explain the sudden appearance of complex life forms in the "lowest" fossil strata? Synopsis of Part I. Even staunch evolutionists acknowledge that "little or nothing is known about the origin of life." But they offer three alternatives: 1) That life has always e ...

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The Parables of Jesus: Part Four: 'Who Is My Neighbor?' The Parables of Jesus: Part Four: 'Who Is My Neighbor?'
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  August 1974

AFTER THE great Galilean ministry, Jesus began to travel outside the province. His journeyings to preach the gospel took Him to the north to Caesarea Philippi (Matt. 16:13), and then back to Galilee again. Later he went south to Judea and Jerusalem (John 7 and 8). This period is generally ca ...

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Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Part 1 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him t ...

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The Bible Story - The Tower of Babel The Bible Story - The Tower of Babel
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1959

Noah and his family journeyed down from the mountains where the ark rested to start a new life in the nearby plains. From then on, all the people who came into the world were started by Noah's three sons and their wives. (Genesis 9:19.) After some years had gone by, there were many people in the p ...

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Compendium of World History - Volume 1 Compendium of World History - Volume 1  -  Chapter Twelve   
Herman L Hoeh  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1967

Since the building of the city of Babel, not a single recorded dynasty originated in the city precincts of Babylon for over 1000 years. Not until the renowned First Dynasty of Babylon did it become the supreme seat of political power. Hammurabi — or rather each historian who has written about him — ...

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Pastor's Report Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  March 19, 1979

Last Monday, March 12th, Judge Title unexpectedly reimposed the receivership upon the Church, College and Foundation. This receiver was given the same unjustified and extraordinary powers ("to take possession and control of the Church") the former receiver had over the Church from January 3rd until ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1963

Scholars now claim ancient documents discovered in caves near the Dead Sea will alter text of the Old Testament. Here's the truth about this latest challenge of scholarship. The world of scholarship is once again mounting an assault against the authority of the Bible. This time their attack is aim ...

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Christians In Deed? Christians In Deed?
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  November 1975

The world is full of nominal Christians - but how many are Christians in deed? The Christian Bible makes it clear that mere belief is not enough. United States Senator Mark Hatfield recently quoted a very moving, yet indicting poem, "Listen Christian!" (by Bob Rowland), which reads as foll ...

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Are YOU Responsible? Are YOU Responsible?
David J Albert  -  Good News   -  December 1964

A growing problem - prevalent in this world around us - is found too often in God's Church today... A MOMENT of inattention behind the wheel suddenly results in a tragic accident snuffing out the lives of several people. Deep and worsening financial troubles trigger a violent husband-and-wife argu ...

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