YES There Is Life Out There! YES There Is Life Out There!
Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1983

Millions are being spent in an attempt to contact other life in the universe. What will be found? We look up into a black sky, dotted with millions of stars, and we wonder - is there life out there? Are there other creatures similar to life on earth? Are there life forms totally different from ours? ...

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What is the meaning of What is the meaning of "not under the law, but under grace"?
Letter Answering Department - 900 Series - Letter Number: 915   -  1955

The meaning of "not under the law; but under grace" has plagued thousands! Most people are confused by the ministers who claim to expound the words of God. You hear one group quote one set of scriptures telling of the law, and another group quoting verses mentioning grace. The common assum ...

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WHY PRAY WHY PRAY "Lead us not into temptation"?
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1985

Does God lead humans into temptation? If not, why pray that God won't? This question has perplexed many, including theologians. In James 1:13 we read: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man." ...

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So - You're Suspicious? So - You're Suspicious?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April-May 1965

It's in your NATURE to be SUSPICIOUS. You were BORN filled with a NATURE that makes you DOUBTFUL, SKEPTICAL, STUBBORN! Are YOU overcoming that nature? Or are you SUSPICIOUS OF GOD? HAVE you ever really quit disagreeing with God? You may think you have - but have you, really? What is your first rea ...

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Angels Are a Part of God's Government Angels Are a Part of God's Government
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

But there's a little bit of good news today. We've been talking about angels, and I've mentioned, I've asked you, "Have you ever heard a message about angels; have you ever read an article about angels?" Let's proceed along, then, with what we've been studying about angels. Now ...

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Stanley R Rader  -  Pastor General's Report   -  August 21, 1978

Greetings, everyone.... This is the cover of Mr. Armstrong's book holding it up, The Incredible Human Potential, which will be published and which will be offered for the first time at the Feast of Tabernacles in October. It will then be marketed in the United States and abroad through booksto ...

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What Most Taxpayers Have Not Been Told! What Most Taxpayers Have Not Been Told!
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1985

What IS the plain truth about taxes and tithing? THINK of it! Out of an eight — hour workday you labor the first two, three or even four hours just to pay direct taxes. And this says nothing of the indirect taxes and fees you pay which are already hidden in the prices of what you purchase. How did t ...

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Lesson 56 - The Great Key To Peace And Prosperity Lesson 56 - The Great Key To Peace And Prosperity
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1970   Revision 30M370

THE GREAT KEY TO PEACE AND PROSPERITY. While apparent prosperity continues, millions tremble on the brink of financial disaster! Sky-high taxes are now one of the greatest causes of public concern. This lesson explains why. It reveals the last and greatest law governing true prosperity! EVERYBODY ha ...

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Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1984

This present world crisis is identified as the biblical "time of the end." Here is the proof. Why shouldn't we have world peace? Why not beat weapons in to plowshares and pruning hooks? Why not live in a world of justice and universal prosperity? Such a world is described repeatedly by prophets in ...

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Seven Proofs Of The True Church - Proof No. 7 Seven Proofs Of The True Church - Proof No. 7
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  December 18, 1978

WHERE is the one and only true Church today - the Church founded by Jesus Christ in A.D. 31? Seven major eye-opening proofs identify it unmistakably. HOW INCONGRUOUS! The churches calling themselves "Christian" do not know that the true Gospel is the GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. They know nothin ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  June 1959

Here is the truth about Satan, and the startling Proof about his final judgment! THIS WORLD is totally deceived. In His very first words to His disciples in the Olivet Prophecy, Jesus sternly warned, "Take heed that no man deceive you, for MANY shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and sh ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 31, 1963 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 31, 1963
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  July 31, 1963

GREETINGS to our faithful family of Co-Workers on our 46th wedding anniversary! I have BIG NEWS—and GOOD NEWS for you! But the world news is not good. Yet one of Christ's commissions to us is to watch world events as they fulfill God's prophecies—working out HIS PURPOSE here below! First, here+* ...

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The Bible Story - Volume III The Bible Story - Volume III  -  Chapter 72
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1984

THE wandering Levite who had come to the home of Micah, an Ephraimite, was warmly welcomed. Micah immediately learned from which tribe the stranger had come and that his name was Jonathan. (Judges 17:5-8.) He had heard that Levites were especially suited to be priests, though he didn't know exactl ...

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HOW to Study the Bible! HOW to Study the Bible!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  February 1957

HOW much of the Bible DON'T you understand? If you are like most others, there are many passages in the Bible you have discovered which seem to be contradictory, or which seem to mean that what you believe to be true from other scriptures may not be true, after all! It has been said of the Bible: ...

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WHY PRAY: WHY PRAY: "Lead us not into temptation"?
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1981

Does God lead humans into temptation? If not, why pray that God won't? This question has perplexed many, including theologians. In James 1:13 we read: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man." But in Genesi ...

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