Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 19, 1956 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 19, 1956
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  October 19, 1956

This will have to be a short, but URGENT letter. Never in all my experience have the problems of God's work come with more crushing weight upon my shoulders than now. Never have I been brought more fully to realize how earnestly, fervently, seriously and BELIEVINGLY we need to go to GOD in prevail ...

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Christ's Parables - Part 1 Christ's Parables - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  June 12, 1979

Now, in proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God, multitudes came to Jesus. They followed Him wherever He went. They crowded around Him because of the miracles that He had performed, but He never sought crowds. He didn't go out trying to drum up a crowd at all, but they followed Him, nevert ...

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Ernest L Martin  -  Good News   -  May 1964

History comes alive with the startling story of how Simon Magus - branded a FALSE PROPHET by the book of Acts - established HIS OWN UNIVERSAL Church! SIMON MAGUS was a Babylonian priest. He was a part of the Babylonian community that had been living in the land of Northern Israel ever since the Nort ...

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The Purpose Here Below The Purpose Here Below
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Last Great Day   -  October 9, 1982

One of the so-called great men of the world, Winston Churchill, said before the United States' Congress, "There is a purpose being worked out here below." - certainly implying a purpose that God above is working out. God has a master plan for working out that purpose. That purpose is in two phases ...

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So Your Child's in School! So Your Child's in School!
Joan C Bogdanchik  -  Good News   -  January 1984

You can greatly promote your child's education if you will follow these simple principles. R-r-r-r-ring goes the school bell, signaling vacation's end. The important, much-anticipated event is now a reality. Your child has taken his first steps away from home. He has entered the new realm of sch ...

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There Is a Way of Escape There Is a Way of Escape
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1970

You need to be prepared. You need to know why - and when - and where - the next nuclear holocaust will strike, and how to escape. This article makes plain why God allows war - and the provision He makes for those who seek His protection! SCORES of thousands were caught unprepared in Hiroshima and Na ...

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SEVEN PROOFS of God's True Church - Proof Five SEVEN PROOFS of God's True Church - Proof Five
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  May 1969

God's True Church knows the RIGHT WAY OF LIVING the BALANCED, ABUNDANT life! The right WAY of life with solid, balanced TRUTH about diet, exercise, foods, finances, marriage. This RIGHT LIFE is another vital PROOF of the true Church of God! YOU can't become a superman, and live forever, by gulpi ...

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Watch the Middle East Watch the Middle East
Raymond F McNair  -  Good News   -  August 1974

The agonizing possibility of another Middle East war frightens world leaders. Are Mideast events leading swiftly to the long-prophesied "Armageddon"? What will happen to Egypt, Syria, Israel and other countries in the area? And how will the Mideast affect Europe? Can we know what is about ...

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The Bible Answers Your Questions The Bible Answers Your Questions
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  April-May 1966

Question: How long should our prayers last? The Bible seems to say we should not pray very long: "When you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking" (Matthew 6:7). Answer: Heathen prayers always use vain repetitions. ...

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Location of the Tribes of Israel Location of the Tribes of Israel
Herman L Hoeh  -  Study Tools   -  1957

We are often asked this question: "If the British Commonwealth is Ephraim and the U.S.A. is Manasseh, where are the other tribes of Israel"? There has never given a satisfactory answer. In fact, they have contended at times that the half-tribe of Manasseh, which lived east of the Jordan, is Japan, a ...

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Why Religious Confusion? - Part 2 Why Religious Confusion? - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

My friends, in all this religious confusion of this day, you hear that once people just say they've "made their decision for Christ" that they're automatically saved. Well then would it be possible for anyone ever to get "unsaved" after they had once been saved? I think it's about time we look ...

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Mystery Of The Ages Mystery Of The Ages  -  Chapter 3    The Mystery of Man
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1985

IT SEEMS incredible indeed! Higher education teaches technical courses in human physiology, anatomy, anthropology and psychology. The universities take man apart and study him minutely inch by inch. They study every facet and phase of man. They take the human brain apart and study it, yet the human ...

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There Is a Perfect Government There Is a Perfect Government
Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1984

If human experience has shown one thing, it is this: No human government has been able to achieve lasting peace or prosperity. But there is a government that will! The big question as the governments of this world look toward the 1990s is that of human survival! Never before has the threat of human ...

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Dibar K Apartian  -  Good News   -  March 1981

Your very salvation depends upon the priorities you set in your life as a Christian. Do you know how to set priorities? When several things need to be done, are you able to decide which ones should come first in order of importance? Suppose you're sitting peacefully in your living room watching th ...

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The Bible Story - Volume III The Bible Story - Volume III  -  Chapter 33
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1963

LAWS OF HEALTH, EVERYBODY should be healthy. God intended that His own people should not only know the truth but live radiant, healthy lives. The Eternal chose the Israelites to know the truth and to be an example of a healthy nation. Only then could they perform the great work of helping carry out ...

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