Dinosaurs Before Adam? Dinosaurs Before Adam?
Robert E Gentet  -  Special Topics   -  1972

When, according to the Bible, did dinosaurs exist? Why did they all perish? Here are the surprising answers. ONE of the greatest mysteries in historical geology is the extinction of the bizarre dinosaurs. The sudden disappearance of the dinosaurs and other contemporary reptiles has excited scientist ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 9   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

How I Met My Wife: IN the chronicle of experiences that provided the training for the activities of later years, none exceeded in import the dating experiences that culminated in marriage - at least none exceeded the marriage experience. If it be true, as it definitely appears now in retrospect, tha ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 24, 1954 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 24, 1954
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 24, 1954

I can't hold back the truth from you any longer. I have to tell you we have reached the breaking point — the extreme LIMIT — in this tight squeeze holding on to the powerful net-work broadcast! Unless God now performs a MIRACLE thru you co-workers, we cannot carry on another week! I shall have to ...

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Is Church Unity Coming? Is Church Unity Coming?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1960

Can Protestants and Catholics get together in the coming Vatican Council? What is the CAUSE of division in the Christian world? What is the SOURCE OF UNITY? Here's the startling answer! The dramatic decision of Pope John XXIII to call a universal Church Council burst upon the public on January 25, ...

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Dear Fellow Ministers,   (November 22, 1978) Dear Fellow Ministers, (November 22, 1978)
C Wayne Cole  -  Pastor General's Report   -  November 29, 1978

Mr. Armstrong is sending a letter to our brethren and Co-Workers informing them that every current indication is that we should continue to publish Quest Magazine as one of the major activities of the Ambassador Foundation. Personally, I am delighted with this news! Right from the time the first con ...

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Compendium of World History - Volume 1 Compendium of World History - Volume 1  -  Chapter Four   
Herman L Hoeh  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1967

Who was the daughter of Pharaoh who adopted Moses? Where is Moses mentioned in the story of Egypt? Who was that Ramses whose land Jacob was given to dwell in? Which Pharaoh took Sarai from Abram? Thus far only half the story of Egypt before the Exodus has been told. The first eight dynasties have to ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 83
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1968

A KING IS CHOSEN! WHEN SAMUEL saw Saul for the first time, God informed Samuel that this was the powerful young Benjamite who would become the leader of Israel. Saul didn't know who Samuel was, though God had caused him to walk up to Samuel and inquire where the chief of Israel could be found. (I ...

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Now Revealed: The True History of the Early Christian Church Now Revealed: The True History of the Early Christian Church  -  Chapter II   
Ronald D Kelly  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1967

The establishment of peace and civil laws throughout the Roman empire brought many changes in the way of life of the times. The citizens of Rome took an active interest in the culture and affairs of other provinces within the empire. The roads which formerly had been used strictly for the movement o ...

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The Plain Truth About The Waldensians The Plain Truth About The Waldensians  -  Chapter I   
Dean C Blackwell  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1974

"The history of the ancient Waldenses certainly remains to be written," said Emilio Comba in the preface to his History of the Waldenses of Italy. This is certainly one of the most absolute truths to any student of Waldensian history. Has there ever been written an unprejudiced history of ...

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Who Built the GREAT PYRAMID? Who Built the GREAT PYRAMID?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1964

Did you know the builder of the Great Pyramid is identified in the Bible? Who did build the Great Pyramid at Gizeh, Egypt? When and why was it built? Is there some supernatural revelation hidden in its mighty stones? Was the pyramid built to make the Bible clear and understandable? Are the speculati ...

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Who Built The Great Pyramid? Who Built The Great Pyramid?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1964

Did you know the builder of the Great Pyramid is identified in the Bible? WHO did build the Great Pyramid at Gizeh, Egypt? When and why was it built? Is there some supernatural revelation hidden in its mighty stones? Was the pyramid built to make the Bible clear and understandable? Are the speculati ...

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Origin of Easter - Part 1 Origin of Easter - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

What the springtime parades, new outfits, church-going sunrise services, and rabbits have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When you look at all the paraphernalia accompanying Easter, you're a little bit bewildered. You see kids painting eggs, hiding eggs, pretending not to know where t ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1977

Hollywood's obsession with the demonic and supernatural could have some diabolical consequences. For months, movie marquees all over the country have been hawking a ghastly array of lurid motion pictures featuring Satan and his demonic cohorts. Films such as The Omen, House of Exorcism, The Devil ...

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1975 In Prophecy 1975 In Prophecy
Radio Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1956

FANTASTIC push-button world by 1975? It is being planned by modern science and industry. But now you're going to take a peek into the surprising future, exactly as it will happen! Not what men PLAN - but what GOD SAYS! Here, in understandable language, is a quick SUMMARY of all prophecy - the negl ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - September 29, 1968 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - September 29, 1968
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  September 29, 1968

I have just returned from England and Europe. I want to report on events — for they are happening fast. Every month, now, I have exciting and IMPORTANT news to report to you. It's hard to realize how FAST things are moving, now, toward the most colossal CRISIS of all world history. When I wrote to ...

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