The Bible Story - Volume IV The Bible Story - Volume IV  -  Chapter 49
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1964

VICTORY EAST OF THE JORDAN, THE BATTLE was set in array. When the twelve thousand soldiers of Israel realized that they were marching into the vast jaws of superior numbers of oncoming Midianites, many of them momentarily may have felt like wheeling about and fleeing in the opposite direction. In th ...

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Personal from the Editor Personal from the Editor
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1967

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - IN THIS TALK WITH our readers I want to say something about the flood of letters now flowing in from those of you who have just read the exciting new booklet, The WONDERFUL WORLD TOMORROW - What it Will Be Like. All but ONE SO far - from approximately two hundred ...

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God's Temple in Prophecy God's Temple in Prophecy  -  Chapter VII   
Leroy Neff  -  Reference Book   -  March 1961

The subject of the courts of the temple is probably the least understood of any part of God's House. Most Bible students realize that there are courts associated with God's House. They, however, do not realize what they are for, how they are arranged, or how many important buildings and chamb ...

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Prophecies of the Future Prophecies of the Future
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

And my friends we can know the world tomorrow. For, although no man can predict the future, no mortal, no human power knows what's going to happen, as a matter of fact we don't even know what a day is going to bring forth. No fortune teller can tell us, no astrologer, no crystal ball gazer — you ...

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Stanley R Rader  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1979

Why is the United States caught up in a crosscurrent of conflicting forces in the Middle East? Why are there no easy answers to the Arab-Jewish strife over Palestine? Why is the Western world being strangled by OPEC? How did we get ourselves into the Middle Eastern muddle? What are some of the basic ...

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The Bible Story - Jacob Falls In Love The Bible Story - Jacob Falls In Love
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1959

Isaac had just sent away his son Jacob to stay with Uncle Laban in Haran for a while. With Jacob gone, his brother Esau did not take the trouble to pursue his brother. Instead, he tried to please his parents by marrying a woman who was not a Canaanite, as were his previous wives. This third wife Esa ...

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The Proof of the BIBLE The Proof of the BIBLE
Radio Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1958

The BIBLE — Superstition or AUTHORITY? Did you ever stop to PROVE whether the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God? HAVE YOU ever stopped to really prove whether or not the Bible is divinely inspired by a Creator? I am going to give you the proof. And I am going to tell the skeptics how to dis ...

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Clearing the Air on Healing Clearing the Air on Healing
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  September 11, 1978

There has been some confusion on the subject of healing due to STP teaching, with a tendency to place DOUBT regarding GOD'S WORD and His PROMISES - as well as MISUNDERSTANDING what I have taught and written. First let me say that, as I write these lines September 10, you have not yet read Part 5 o ...

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The Two Babylons The Two Babylons   Chapter V       Rites and Ceremonies    I. Idol Processions
Alexander Hislop  -  Reference Book   -  1858

Those who have read the account of the last idol procession in the capital of Scotland, in John Knox's History of the Reformation, cannot easily have forgot the tragicomedy with which it ended. The light of the Gospel had widely spread, the Popish idols had lost their fascination, and popular anti ...

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Singles - Enjoy a Family - Oriented Feast! Singles - Enjoy a Family - Oriented Feast!
Richard J Rice  -  Good News   -  September 1981

Are you single? Wondering how to make the most of the Feast in this "year of the family"? Read these tips. Soon God's Church will be celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles, which pictures the Family of God rejoicing together in peace and unity in the world tomorrow. Traditionally, the Chur ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1982

Today, the waters of the Mediterranean Sea separate two vastly different worlds. To the north of that great sea lie the comparatively affluent, industrialized nations of Europe. To the south lie the economically poor, agricultural countries of North Africa. The contrasts between the two regions are ...

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Is a World Dictator About to Appear? Is a World Dictator About to Appear?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1934

WILL it be Mussolini, Stalin, or Roosevelt? Everybody senses that something is WRONG with the world... that some mighty event is about to occur. What is it? Bible prophecy tells! Here is a solemn warning and it... and it is the plain truth! WE Live today in the most strenuous, anxious, momentous hou ...

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Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  July-August 1983

Many would like to have a more personal relationship with God, but just do not know how. Why does God seem unreal to so many people? Do you ever find yourself asking, "Does God even exist?" After experiencing two world wars, millions drifted into a modern world where God has no apparent meaning. Wes ...

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Stanley R Rader  -  Pastor General's Report   -  January 08, 1979

Greetings, everyone! This has been a very eventful week and if I can do no more today than to make you realize what almost happened, but for the grace and the will of God, I will have accomplished a great deal today. Now what happened this week was something that was fairly well predicted by Mr. ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 86
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1968

WITHOUT AN ARMY, WHEN Jonathan overran a Philistine garrison, king Saul called for men to come to Gilgal to get ready for war with the Philistines. Thousands of Israelites obeyed the summons. (I Samuel 13:1-4.) But when they learned that a huge fighting force of enemy foot soldiers, horsemen and cha ...

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