Revelation Can Be Understood Revelation Can Be Understood
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

How many mystery books of fiction have you read? Countless such books have been written, including science fiction. But was any mystery book or any science fiction ever written that were as mysterious, as strange and as astonishing as the very last book in the Bible? And that is the book called Reve ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1969

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - THE BIG QUESTION is WHAT, after all, does it mean? The incredible, unbelievable epic feat accomplished! Two men put on the moon - cavorting about in sprightly style on its powdery-coated surface - and then returned safely to earth ! And all this in the sight of 60 ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1978

Some of us have lived through the "war to end all wars," some through the war that was fought to "make the world safe for democracy" (or was it communism?). Most have lived through the "police action" in Korea and the national disgrace in Vietnam. The United States in p ...

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The Wonderful World Tomorrow The Wonderful World Tomorrow
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  September 1971

Personal From Herbert W Armstrong - IN THIS TALK WITH our readers I want to say something about the many letters we have received from those who have read the exciting booklet The WONDERFUL WORLD TOMORROW What It Will Be Like - since it was first published nearly five years ago. ...

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Judge Not Judge Not
Leslie E Stocker  -  Good News   -  May 1979

Jesus said, "Judge not, that you be not judged." Yet, just a few verses later in that same Sermon on the Mount, He said, "You shall know them by their fruits." The first statement is clear. But at the same time, the second implies that some form of judgment or assessment takes place in the m ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 24, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 24, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  March 24, 1972

I have an important ANNOUNCEMENT. In TOMORROW'S WORLD magazine — a magazine of Biblical UNDERSTANDING — we have been sending you the wonderful good news of tomorrow's world — a soon coming joyous world of PEACE — a world filled with happiness, universal prosperity, with good sound health and abu ...

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The Bible Story - Volume IV The Bible Story - Volume IV  -  Chapter 91
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1985

DAVID had come to the Philistine city of Gath to escape being killed by Saul's soldiers. He hoped the Philistine king would befriend him. Because he carried Goliath's sword, he was able to gain an audience with Achish, the ruler. Achish intended to treat him civilly, but his manner was a bit gru ...

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The Bible Story - Volume V The Bible Story - Volume V  -  Chapter 106
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1987

AMASA David's new commander, had taken soldiers northward to pursue Sheba and the rebellious Israelites. David decided that Amasa was too slow and Abishai, a more experienced officer, would do much better. So Abishai was sent with more troops. Joab went with Abishai because he was intent on regain ...

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FACTS PROVE - Natural Catastrophes Are Intensifying! FACTS PROVE - Natural Catastrophes Are Intensifying!
Gerhard O Marx  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1964

Why are natural calamities striking this world with ever increasing intensity? Read the astonishing facts! Drought, floods, typhoons, hurricanes are devastating every inhabited continent. The unexpected, sudden earthquake and accompanying tidal wave, the violent flood, the unpredictable path of a de ...

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Significance of The DEAD SEA SCROLLS Significance of The DEAD SEA SCROLLS
Lester L Grabbe  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1971

Some have claimed the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls alter the text of the Old Testament. Read this article, showing the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls and what they really prove about the Old Testament text. It all began in the spring of 1947… Muhammed adh-Dhib, a fifteen-year-old Bedouin, stumbled o ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 8   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

Becoming a Publishers' Representative: IT WAS now the fall of 1915. By this time I had a considerable amount of valuable experience behind me. I had reached the age when most students had graduated from college - twenty-three. All this time I had continued my studies, delving into many subjects, i ...

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God Speaks Out on God Speaks Out on "The New Morality"  -  Chapter 2   
Ambassador College Department of Theology  -  Book   -  1964

TODAY we see a world in revolt. The rebellion against medieval moral repression is sweeping the occidental world. But WHERE are the rebels going? They don't exactly know. They know they will never return to former prudery. But they are confused. They are groping for some AUTHORITY for morals. Blin ...

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Why Did Christ Have To Die? Why Did Christ Have To Die?
Richard F Plache & David R Ord  -  Good News   -  March 1975

WAS CHRIST'S death really necessary? Jesus Himself told the story of the creditor who had two debtors. Between them they owed a great sum of money and neither had the wherewithal to pay. But the creditor, when they couldn't pay, "frankly forgave them both" and wiped out the debt (Luke 7 ...

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Why Was Elizabeth II Crowned Queen of ISRAEL? Why Was Elizabeth II Crowned Queen of ISRAEL?
Richard D Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1953

London, England. Should the British be condemned for such an elaborate coronation? The real truth is SHOCKING! Dick Armstrong was there. Here is the TRUTH. On the second of June, I witnessed the coronation procession of Queen Elizabeth II in London, England. I have just returned for a visit home fro ...

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Significance of The DEAD SEA SCROLLS Significance of The DEAD SEA SCROLLS
Lester L Grabbe  -  Special Topics   -  1971

Some have claimed the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls alter the text of the Old Testament. Read this article, showing the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls and what they really prove about the Old Testament text. IT ALL BEGAN in the spring of 1947... Muhammed adh-Dhib, a fifteen-year-old Bedouin, stumbled ...

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