Gary L Alexander  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1970

Few people remember the Hard Times of the Thirties. Fewer still understand the root CAUSES of depression - or inflation. Many critical money problems are still with us today! This article explains the seriousness of today's volatile economic situation and the possible consequences for tomorrow. Re ...

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TERRORISM the Worst Is Yet to Come! TERRORISM the Worst Is Yet to Come!
Dan C Taylor  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1984

Suicide bombers threaten mayhem in the Middle East. And experts now warn about "state-supported terrorism." Where is it all headed? A NEW WAVE of violence is sweeping over the world. In its wake are death and destruction on an unprecedented scale. Just look at what has happened. Suicide bo ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 146
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1988

THERE was loud cheering when the Babylonians released King Jehoiakim and allowed him to re-enter Jerusalem. It would have been much louder and more enthusiastic if Jehoiakim had been more popular with his subjects and his soldiers, many of whom didn't have much respect or admiration for him. Right ...

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Inside the Book of Revelation Inside the Book of Revelation   Chapter Nine         
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

In the 17th chapter of Revelation, John records his vision of another hideous and distorted creature. "I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns" (Rev. 17:3). The woman has a name on her forehead: "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT ...

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The Story of Man - Tyrannized by Babylon The Story of Man - Tyrannized by Babylon
Basil Wolverton  -  Tomorrow's World   -  August 1971

There was loud cheering when the Babylonians released King Jehoiakim and allowed him to re-enter Jerusalem. It would have been much louder and more enthusiastic if Jehoiakim had been more popular with his subjects and his soldiers, many of whom didn't have much respect or admiration for him. Right ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 25, 1955 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 25, 1955
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 25, 1955

A most critical situation has overtaken us! Right now we are in the CLIMAX of our second "tight squeeze." It's the turning point of the whole great work, LISTEN! I wonder if you really understand WHY the very work of GOD should be in such a life-and-death struggle, financially — WHY we s ...

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The Proverbs 31 Superwoman - Ideal or Impossibility? The Proverbs 31 Superwoman - Ideal or Impossibility?
Carole Ritter  -  Good News   -  August 1976

Proverbs 31 has been quoted over and over again as a description of the perfect woman. It has been used to show the wide range of activities such a paragon might engage in - how industrious and virtuous a good wife could be. But is Proverbs 31 still a viable model for ideal womanhood - can ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 16, 1961 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 16, 1961
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  October 16, 1961

GREETINGS, in the name of Jesus Christ! I have to tell you, now, about our most serious problem in God's work. I made some mention of this—or part of it—at the Feast of Tabernacles, both at Squaw Valley and at Gladewater. It is SERIOUS and it is URGENT, and so I hope you will, as a begotten child ...

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The Tower of Babel The Tower of Babel
Lester L Grabbe  -  Tomorrow's World   -  July 1971

Emerging from the swirling mists of antiquity are many traditions and legends of a prodigious tower "... so high that - its summit should reach the sky...." Can these accounts be corroborated and verified? What does the Bible say about it? THE "TOWER OF BABEL" is not the exclusive property of t ...

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Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1983

Events are now unfolding that will radically alter the political map of this divided continent-perhaps before the decade is over. FROM ALL indications, 1983 may well prove to be' the most decisive year for Europe Since World War II. The East-West stalemate that has kept the Continent divided- but ...

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Now Revealed: The True History of the Early Christian Church Now Revealed: The True History of the Early Christian Church  -  Glossary   
Ronald D Kelly  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1967

In the world today there are 961,122,000 professing Christians. "Christianity" is by far the LARGEST single religion on earth. Islam, the second largest, is not half as big. But how many in the Western world, which calls itself "Christian," understand what REAL CHRISTIANITY is? How many really KNOW ...

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What's behind the MAD CRAZE FOR PLEASURE What's behind the MAD CRAZE FOR PLEASURE
Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1963

Today more time is spent in watching television than in working. Brutality in sports is taken for granted. America and Britain are going the way of Rome - and, like Rome, they don't know it! "'Let's live it up' has become the password of our time," writes noted sociologist Howard Whitman. Fa ...

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Samson - Man of God! Samson - Man of God!
Kenneth Westby  -  Tomorrow's World   -  July 1971

Surprised? You wonder, "How could God ever forgive Samson after the wretched mess he made of his life?" The life of Samson has always made good Hollywood copy. Some see a shaggy Samson chasing after bad women. They see him slaying a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass in hand. They see a blinded ...

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David L Antion  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1976

Marital squabbles aren't fun. But they need not be destructive if a couple knows how to "fight" correctly. Here are the rules. It comes as no surprise to hear that married couples have arguments. In fact, sometimes they have more than arguments. They have fights! But it isn't polite to ...

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Does the Bible Contain Errors? Does the Bible Contain Errors?
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1980

If the Bible is inspired by God it cannot contain errors. But critics continually cite supposed biblical contradictions and inaccuracies. Here are some examples that show God's Word is entirely correct. The Bible has been maligned and attacked by critics who claim that God's Word is full of erro ...

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