Introduction to Bible Chronology Introduction to Bible Chronology
Garth Wardrop  -  Study Tools   -  May 12, 1986

Summary of Bible Chronology - 3980-3050: Adam lives 930 years (Gen. 5:5) - 3850-2938: Born in Adam's 130th year, Seth lives 912 years (Gen 5:3, 8) - 3745-2840: Born in Seth's 105th year, Enosh lives 905 years (Gen 5:6, 11) - 3655-2745: Born in Enosh's 90th year, Kenan lives 910 years (Gen 5:9, ...

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God's Sacred Calendar 84-85 God's Sacred Calendar 84-85
Worldwide Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1984

Cover: Mr. Armstrong with his wife Loma began to announce the gospel during Great Depression. The biblical solar-lunar calendar, combined with the Roman calendar so widely used by today's Christian-professing world. HERE IS the true calendar for all mankind. Its principles go back to the very firs ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 140
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1988

IN SPITE of the Prophet Isaiah's declaration that no harm would be done to Jerusalem by the Assyrians, there was tension and fear among some of the citizens. (II Chronicles 32:9-10, 18-20; II Kings 19:32-34.) It was a dark night, and thousands upon thousands of enemy soldiers were out there where ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1969

Here is the age-old question. Whose was the responsibility - the Jews, or the Romans? This carefully documented article reveals the official position of Judaism, of higher scholarship, and of organized Christianity. No trial in history has raised more controversy than the trial of Jesus, Was the tri ...

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Now Under Way - The Seeding of God's Kingdom Now Under Way - The Seeding of God's Kingdom
Earl H Williams  -  Good News   -  May 1984

It's happening now, all over this earth. Do you know what God is doing? What on earth is God doing? The many facets of God's Church, including the Good News magazine you are now reading, work together to proclaim to all the world the wonderful announcement of God's coming Kingdom (Matthew 24:1 ...

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Mystery of the Trinity Mystery of the Trinity
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Well greetings everybody. Of all religions of the world, of all denominations of Christianity, there is only one true Church, only one; and only one that has the real knowledge. Now I learned, not only that God is Creator, but God is the Revealer of basic knowledge. And I tell you why the greatest i ...

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Lesson 17 - The Plain Truth About The Old And New Covenants Lesson 17 - The Plain Truth About The Old And New Covenants
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

Exactly what are the Old and New Covenants? And what do these covenants have to do with Spirit-begotten Christians today? ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 143
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1988

AFTER King Manasseh had repented, he started leading Judah back to the worship of God. But he died before he completed the gigantic task of reforming the nation. His son and successor, Amon, did not follow the good example of Manasseh's later years, but followed, instead, the bad example of his ea ...

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God's Sacred Calendar 85-86 God's Sacred Calendar 85-86
Worldwide Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1985

"Remember the Law of Moses, My Servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the corning of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children. And the hearts ...

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Pentecost Study Material Pentecost Study Material  -  General Coverage   
Herbert W Armstrong & Herman L Hoeh  -  Study Tools   -  1974

Purpose: To summarize the questions and difficulties which have arisen both inside and outside the Worldwide Church of God regarding the proper observance of the Pentecost Holy Day. Background: Pentecost (Greek, "fiftieth [day]"), called the Feast of Weeks, or of Harvest, or of Firstfruits ...

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The Story of Man - Josiah's Crusade Against Idolatry The Story of Man - Josiah's Crusade Against Idolatry
Basil Wolverton  -  Tomorrow's World   -  May 1971

AFTER King Manasseh had repented, he started leading Judah back to the worship of God. But he died before he completed the gigantic task of reforming the nation. His son and successor, Amon, did not follow the good example of Manasseh's latter years, but followed, instead, the bad example of his e ...

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A Bridge Around the World A Bridge Around the World
John A Halford & Rod Matthews  -  Good News   -  August 1980

The island nation of Tonga sits astride the International Date Line in the South Pacific Ocean. When the sun sets Wednesday, September 24, the 25 Tongan members of the Worldwide Church of God will be the first people in the world to begin observing the 1980 Feast of Tabernacles. But only the ...

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What Is the Real Meaning of NOT OBSERVING What Is the Real Meaning of NOT OBSERVING "Days, Months, Times, Years?"
Ambassador College  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Many ask about Paul's warning in Galatians 4:10 against observing "days, months, times and years." Just what were these days against which Paul preached? The answer is surprising. HERE IS what Paul wrote to the Galatians: "Howbeit then when ye knew not God, ye did service to them which by nature a ...

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Jonah's Sign Jonah's Sign
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  June 01, 1979

He answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonah: for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the [great fish - and I explained yesterday the word is not whale at all but ...

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The Times of Salvation The Times of Salvation
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  January 26, 1979

You want to know what is the most common misconception. You could almost say a sin, but I'll say error and a belief, believe by every church that I know of that is a Christian church, except this one. That is that everybody is lost unless they get saved. That is that there's a great controversy ...

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