How To Conquer Your Fears How To Conquer Your Fears
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1955

Do you have doubts about holding your job? Do you worry over loss of money - or over the lack of money you need? Does the dread of illness or of a nervous breakdown or of insanity haunt you? Are broken friendships, repressed love affairs robbing you of health? THEN HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO! ...

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Lesson 24 - God Won't Accept You Lesson 24 - God Won't Accept You "Just as You Are"!
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1968   Revision 20M268

GOD WON'T ACCEPT YOU "JUST AS YOU ARE"! NEVER, in all history, have there been times quite like these! Take a good look at the world for the proof. Do you see a world BRIMFUL of happiness, productivity, success? Stable, secure homes? Respectful, obedient children? A world full of harmony, joy and ...

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John's Message for Today John's Message for Today
Greg R Albrecht  -  Good News   -  December 1983

As an elderly apostle, John confronted many of the same problems that face God's Church today. What can we learn from his mission and message? For almost 40 years mankind has lived under the threat of the bomb. To what degree the hideous weapons that man has devised might be used is unknown, but t ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 20, 1979 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 20, 1979
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  August 20, 1979

The living, active HEAD of this Church is Jesus Christ. Too many seem to have forgotten that. Eighteen months ago it seemed as if many of those active in the leadership of both Church and College had forgotten that. They seemed not to be conscious of the LIVING Christ's active presence in the Work ...

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The Secret Rapture - Myth or Reality? The Secret Rapture - Myth or Reality?
George P Ritter  -  Good News   -  February 1976

Thousands of professing Christians have their future hopes set on escaping the trials and tribulations of this present world by means of a secret rapture. This event is supposed to provide the faithful believer with a guaranteed passport to his long-awaited reward somewhere beyond the fabl ...

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Right or Wrong WHO DECIDES? Right or Wrong WHO DECIDES?
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

Scandals in government, industry and religion have captured considerable media attention of late. More sad stories of corruption, greed and moral laxity seem to appear each day. We expect our leaders to be better than we are. When they're not, we're always surprised. But are their moral lapses e ...

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Lesson 24 - God Won't Accept You Lesson 24 - God Won't Accept You "Just As You Are"!
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1968   Revision 20M670

NEVER, in all history, have there been times quite like these! Take a good look at the world for the proof. Do you see a world BRIMFUL of happiness, productivity, success? Stable, secure homes? Respectful, obedient children? A world full of harmony, joy and beauty? You most certainly do not! You see ...

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Follow Christ the Light of Life Follow Christ the Light of Life
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

And today's news could be good if we knew the way. If we knew the way to peace, to happiness, to prosperity, to everything good. There is a way and we just reap what we sow. Well, why is it my friends that the teaching of Jesus Christ has not been taught today? Why is it that when God Almighty sen ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1973

Just what is a REAL Christian anyway? Perhaps you've heard many different, conflicting definitions. But are you sure you have heard the real Bible definition? And how does one become a Christian? Are repentance and baptism necessary? These questions and more are all answered in this booklet. Perha ...

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Predestination - Does The Bible Teach It? Predestination - Does The Bible Teach It?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Do you know that actually millions who say that they believe in Christ, who have as they claim and as they believe, received Christ or made their decision for Christ have no salvation at all? Because very few even know what is actually meant by that word, 'salvation.' Millions have been deceived ...

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Was Jesus Christ BORN AGAIN? Was Jesus Christ BORN AGAIN?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1978

Here are scriptures to baffle most professing Christians. How could Christ, Himself, have been born again - and when? one year ago, in The Plain Truth of February 1977, appeared an article Captioned "Just What Do You Mean - Born Again?" It warned: "Don't be too sure you know! Many religious people ...

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PROSPERITY OR CALAMITY? Now That Britain Is in the Common Market PROSPERITY OR CALAMITY? Now That Britain Is in the Common Market
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1973

Before there is a final prosperity in utopian peace and well-being, grave things are prophesied for Britain and Europe. Britain is going to look back on Monday, January 1, 1973, in all probability, as a most tragically historic date – a date fraught with ominous potentialities! For that date marked ...

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God's Timetable God's Timetable
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  August 5, 1978

When Christ comes the whole world is going to be called. They won't be cut off from God any longer. It won't be that God just calls those He wants for a special mission, but they're not going to qualify to sit with Christ on that Throne and we are. They won't have to overcome Satan and we do ...

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The The "Fight of the Century"
Hugh E Wilson  -  Good News   -  November-December 1971

Perhaps you've never thought of it this way before, but YOU are in a title bout, fighting THREE ruthless opponents at one time! Read this article to find out HOW you are doing. GOOD evening ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to the fight of the century," barks the announcer. "The most importa ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 41   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

Impact on Pacific Northwest. Now that the broadcast had started in Seattle, the work began rapidly to take on new life. Up until this time, it certainly bore no resemblance to what would be expected by most people to be the very WORK OF GOD. How could anything have had such humble and crude beginnin ...

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