Know The Answer?
What woman visited Jerusalem to see Solomon's works?
The Queen of Sheba.

I Kings 10
Make These Your
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Make These Your "Good Old Days"
Darris L McNeely      |   Remove Highlight

You weren't born too late for the "good old days"! You've probably heard your parents, grandparents or other adults talk wistfully about the past as a time when life was simpler, cheaper and better. Maybe you think that living in the care free, rollicking fun days of the 1950s was the ideal life. Or do you think that "Putting on the Ritz" in the Roaring Twenties would have been more fun? Well, you can't get in a time machine and go back to these nostalgically remembered "good old days," but you can make sure you have some "good old days" of your own to look back on. What we have to work with is the here and now - our present life. How we use today's opportunities determines how successful, happy and prosperous life will be.

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Youth MagazineDecember 1983Vol. III No. 10