Know The Answer?
What happened to "Manna" when the Israelites tried to keep it?
It bred worms and smelt rotten.

Exodus 16:20
Dear Youth 84
Youth Magazine
February 1984
Volume: Vol. IV No. 2
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Dear Youth 84
Youth Magazine Staff      |   Remove Highlight

Question: I am 14 years old, I live a fairly good life. My problem is, at times some of my friends can be really nice, but other times they make fun of me, or talk about me behind my back. Answer: Finding a really faithful friend is a great joy. The problem is, there are many fair-weather friends. They will be your friend as long as it is to their advantage. But when they are with others, they will sometimes side with them against you. It is human nature to be jealous, so some seeming friends will say spiteful things when you do well or receive an award. What they are really showing is they are not truly your friends at all. So, take the time to learn who your real, true friends are, and strengthen and build those friendships. Don't seek vengeance or try to get back at those who hurt you.

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Youth MagazineFebruary 1984Vol. IV No. 2