This is the LIFE! - real ABUNDANT living This is the LIFE! - real ABUNDANT living
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1971

Do YOU know how to live FULLY—ABUNDANTLY? In this article, reprinted by popular request, you will learn how you may taste the joys of real abundant living. WHY DO religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living - that in ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 31, 1963 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 31, 1963
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  July 31, 1963

GREETINGS to our faithful family of Co-Workers on our 46th wedding anniversary! I have BIG NEWS—and GOOD NEWS for you! But the world news is not good. Yet one of Christ's commissions to us is to watch world events as they fulfill God's prophecies—working out HIS PURPOSE here below! First, here+* ...

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Christ's Present Day Mission Christ's Present Day Mission
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Most people think God created this earth, once upon a time, way back there some 6,000 years ago. They don't seem to think He's ever had anything to do since. Maybe He's up in His heaven, but He isn't concerned about us any more is He? People think God is like the professor emeritus, He used ...

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Our Awesome Universe Our Awesome Universe
Ambassador College Research Department  -  Booklet   -  1973

The grandeur and splendor of the universe has always challenged the mind of man. It taunts him with the unknown. Where did it all come from? Why does it exist? Is there any purpose behind it? Is our existence the result of intelligence or are we mere cosmic orphans adrift on the ocean of time and sp ...

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Raymond F McNair  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1979

Has peace finally come to the Middle East? Will the peace treaty signed last March by Israel and Egypt bring an end to decades of Mideast hostility? Or will it simply provide a short respite-a lull before the storm? Where are Mideast events leading? Can we know what lies ahead in this foremost of tr ...

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This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1977

Do you know how to live fully - abundantly? In this article you will learn how you may taste the joys of real abundant living. Why do religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living - that in order to please God, they mus ...

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Does God Have an Unlisted Number? - Part Two Does God Have an Unlisted Number? - Part Two
D Paul Graunke  -  Good News   -  August 1975

Why does prayer fail so often for so many? Last month we saw that communication with God is often cluttered with rituals, repetitions and archaic or arcane language. But avoiding these common pitfalls is only part of the answer to unanswered prayer. When it comes to prayer, most people ha ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Introduction   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

For years Herbert W. Armstrong asked himself: Should the story of my life be published? Would this be right? For years he felt it would not. He said "God has called me to preach his gospel not to talk about myself." He even refused, for several years, to let anyone take his picture. Finally a listen ...

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Fundamental Doctrines Fundamental Doctrines
Church of God  -  Study Tools

The Doctrine of the Church of God is based entirely on God's word, the scriptures of the bible, as God inspired the various writers to enter into the pages thereof. While the churches of the world have much tradition in their doctrine, the Church of God rejects any and all worldly tradition, adher ...

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The United Nations After 40 Years: Original Signers Speak Out The United Nations After 40 Years: Original Signers Speak Out
Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1985

Conferences are being held to assess the role of the U.N. in its first 40 years. ON OCTOBER 24, political leaders from around the world will assemble at the United Nations headquarters in New York to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the official beginning of the world body. The celebration is par ...

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This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

WHY DO religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living? — that in order to please God, they must endure a life of morbid gloom? ...

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This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1982

Do you know how to live fully - abundantly? In this article you will learn how you may taste the joys of real abundant living. Why do religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living - that in order to please God, they mus ...

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Obedient Children Are Not Enough Obedient Children Are Not Enough
Robert E Fahey  -  Good News   -  September-October 1972

Some parents are making a fatal mistake in their child rearing and heading for heartbreak in the years ahead. You could be one of them. If merely making your children OBEDIENT is your only goal, you will probably find yourself with. an uphill battle for 70-20 years, ending with great disa ...

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How Christ Chose and Educated His Apostle How Christ Chose and Educated His Apostle
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  October-November 1980

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - LIKE THE AD said of the Volkswagen - I am, after all, ONLY HUMAN! At times I have wondered, in retrospect, WHY did the mighty living Jesus Christ call and choose a worm like me as His apostle, to lead His people in our present end time? King David likewis ...

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Be Honest and Prove All Things Be Honest and Prove All Things
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

And so, once again, I say, let's have the intellectual honesty and the honesty of heart, to be willing to do exactly what the Bible commands to prove all things and to prove whether what we have assumed and been brought up from childhood to believe in a world that is engulfed in pagan superstition ...

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