Know The Answer?
What was Joshua promised if he obeyed the commandments?

Joshua 1:8

Who is the BEAST of Revelation?
Plain Truth Magazine
November 1939
Volume: Vol IV, No.5
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Who is the BEAST of Revelation?

The Most important question of the hour is: "What, or who, is the BEAST, the IMAGE of the Beast, and the MARK of the Beast?" Whatever this weird "BEAST" - whatever the baffling "IMAGE" - whatever the mysterious "MARK" - it behooves you and me to find it out! For it is those of this very present generation who shall be worshiping this "Beast" or his "Image," or shall have received his "mark", that will suffer the unspeakable tortures of the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES!

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember 1939Vol IV, No.5