Know The Answer?
When the ten lepers were healed, how many came back to give thanks?

Luke 17:11

Heart to Heart Talk With the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
March-April 1943
Volume: Vol VIII, No.1
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Heart to Heart Talk With the Editor

I wonder how many fully realize the stark seriousness of this time - that we are now entering the supreme CRISIS of ALL-TIME! What is the true MEANING of the world condition today? Do you fully realize? We are prone to assume that "all thing continue as they were from the beginning of creation." We assume that this war is just a temporary disturbance that it will be over pretty soon, and of course we shall win it, and we proceed serenely to make plans for the future - after the war! But this is not "just another war." This war is utterly DIFFERENT. It is the first truly world war. It is world revolution. It is world destruction - literally the destruction OF THE WORLD! This WORLD is being literally destroyed - torn down! There is a "NEW ORDER" coming. Not Hitler's order, thank God, but not our order, or any order of our devising and planning either.

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch-April 1943Vol VIII, No.1