Know The Answer?
Who said, "Why should my face not be sad when the city of my fathers... lies desolate...?"

Nehemiah 2:3

The PLAIN TRUTH About Divorce and Remarriage
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1952
Volume: Vol XVII, No.1
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The PLAIN TRUTH About Divorce and Remarriage

AMERICA leads the world in divorces. Divorce has become the nation's number one social and legal problem. The chances now are almost one in three that your own marriage will end in divorce! What are the real "Bible grounds" for divorce and remarriage? What's the true significance of this alarming trend? Here's a courageous, straight-from-the-shoulder article DARING TO TELL YOU THE PLAIN TRUTH - an article that will directly affect nearly every fourth reader! The alarming rise in the divorce rate is not merely America's growing "Tragedy" - it is America's growing SIN - a sin which America could prevent, and for which she will PAY!

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1952Vol XVII, No.1