Know The Answer?
With what did David cut off Goliath's head?
Goliath's sword.

I Samuel 17

How to KNOW God
Plain Truth Magazine
July 1953
Volume: Vol XVIII, No.2
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How to KNOW God

Most people know OF God. Many think they are His children. But the TRUTH is going to surprise you. "How good it is to know the Lord this morning!" said the emotional preacher. "Amen," echoed several of the congregation. Haven't you seen people talk in this glib manner about their relationship with their God and Creator? They honestly believe that they are glorifying the Eternal God by such talk. They are - on the whole - quite evidentally sincere. But non - Christians and those of less emotional beliefs just smile to themselves and feel that these people have been misguided into using religion as a means of "letting off steam." Putting all personal feelings and preconceived ideas aside, how can one really "get to know" God?

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Plain Truth MagazineJuly 1953Vol XVIII, No.2