Know The Answer?
When Pilate presented Jesus to the Jews, what did they say?
Crucify Him.

John 19:6
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I know most of you didn't recognize me, because I lost part of my face, but after about 3 years my wife said; "honey, I forget what you look like" so I had to shave it off to remind her again, but winters coming. So I think after the Feast I will go back to the primitive fashion that I had before so all of you who have beards don't have to worry, you don't have to shave them off, it's not a sin, and I have worn one all the time, it's just a matter of leaving it alone. I started out the Feast in the Poconos, that's on the east coast, there's almost no way you can get to Sequim to the Poconos.

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: 1977