The first five articles of this series reveal the startling fact that many of our so-called "Christian" religious customs began thousands of years ago - in paganism. Soon after the flood, Nimrod - the first human despot - founded a civilization based on a false way of life - man's rule without God (Genesis 11). After his death, his wife, Semiramis, developed a false religious system which has permeated and deceived the world to this day! Knowing the basic facts about the coming Savior, she pretended to be the virgin mother and claimed that an illegitimate son - whom she said was her dead husband reborn - was the promised Messiah. She not only counterfeited the Messiah, but she counterfeited his teachings over 2000 years in advance by giving them an unscriptural twist. An example of this is the false meaning she placed on baptism, as we learned in the last installment.
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