Know The Answer?
Whose wife cried because he wouldn't tell her the answer to a riddle?

Judges 14:16

PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN to the United States and Britain! - Installment 8
Plain Truth Magazine
October 1954
Volume: Vol XIX, No.8
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PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN to the United States and Britain! - Installment 8

The United States, the British Commonwealth and the democracies of Northwestern Europe are plainly identified in Bible prophecy! YOU can thus know in advance the shocking turn of world events which soon will STAGGER our peoples! This is the eighth installment of Mr. Armstrong's forthcoming book. SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: The vast wealth and resources of the United States and the British Commonwealth - and our control of the gateways of world commerce were promised to the patriarch Abraham and to his descendants! This astounding promise, called the Birthright, has never been fulfilled in the Jews! In previous installments we traced the little - understood history of Abraham's descendants - how they were finally divided into two nations after the days of Solomon, how the northern division - the House of Israel – was taken captive in 721 B. C. and became known as the "lost ten tribes," and how the southern division - the House of Judah - was finally destroyed and its descendants, known as Jews, scattered over the world.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober 1954Vol XIX, No.8