Know The Answer?
Name one of the prophets who with Ezra urged Israel to rebuild the temple?
Haggai or Zechariah.

Ezra 5:1

WHAT'S WRONG with Modern Education
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1955
Volume: Vol XX, No.3
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WHAT'S WRONG with Modern Education

...and how it is being corrected at AMBASSADOR COLLEGE. Every high school student - every parent - ought to know these facts! YES, something's WRONG with the modern educational set-up! And wrong education is the basic cause of all the world's troubles today. Ask one hundred college students these questions - ask a hundred college graduates: "Have you been taught, in college, whether you were put on this earth for a purpose - and what that purpose is?" "Have you learned, at college, how to live - or only how to earn a living?

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1955Vol XX, No.3