Know The Answer?
Who am I: My father-in-law was Judah. I gave birth to two sons that were illegitimate. They were the beginning of the two lines of Judah. Their names were Pharez and Zarah.

Genesis 38
Keep On, Keeping On
Reinhold Fuessel      |   Remove Highlight
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How does God work with human, or the message? You know I like to understand how things work, if I get the opportunity in terms of visiting with people in the Church area, I love to visit a man on his job and see what he does for a living, a livelihood, I walk around with him for an hour or so at his work if that's possible. I love to understand what he does and how his job works and give him the opportunity to explain to me, like one of the other afternoon I was visiting with a man who is the heating engineer for one of the huge office buildings in down town...

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: December 29, 1979