Know The Answer?
Where did men try to build a tower that would reach to heaven?

Genesis 11:4

Heart to Heart Talk With the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1956
Volume: Vol XXI, No.4
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Heart to Heart Talk With the Editor

There are times, I have to confess, when I feel impotent, helpless, frustrated. I wonder if any of our readers could put themselves in my place, and realize what I see and know, and how I feel. I look back over the years, and recognize how God called me, nearly 40 years ago, out of a fascinating and successful life in business - how I ignored the call and put it out of mind, as a sleeping man enjoying a dream resists and puts out of mind a call to awake in the morning - how God seven years later literally shook me out of my worldly trance and awakened me to the true reality of His call - how after another seven years God had me officially ordained into His ministry after a 3 1/2 year-night-and-day preparation period of prayerful study - how 3 1/2 years later the present work of world-wide evangelism was started in one tiny area on one tiny 100-watt radio station - how, after one 19-year time-cycle, God opened another great Door and His last warning Message began to be thundered all over Europe - and how He has revealed that there remains only the one more 19-year cycle (of which we are well into the 4th year already) - after which it will be TOO LATE!!!

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1956Vol XXI, No.4