Know The Answer?
What did Peter, James and John do while Jesus prayed in Gethsemane?
They fell asleep.

Mark 14:37

WHY Financial Troubles
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1959
Volume: Vol XXIV, No.12
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WHY Financial Troubles

Our government is BILLIONS of dollars in debt! Individual families are going deeper and DEEPER into debt each year. Yet all this in a time of seeming prosperity! WHY? Do you know the way "out" of financial troubles? Do you know the way to real success and happiness and peace of mind? Very FEW people do. Even among the well-to-do, the STRAIN of competitive business and social life - the WORRY over financial problems - take a tremendous toll in helping bring on heart attacks, mental breakdowns and other ailments. Life is ROBBED of the spontaneous enthusiasm and of the peace of mind most of us had as children. There is a REASON for this national concern Americans have over making ends meet.

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1959Vol XXIV, No.12