Know The Answer?
What did Jesus say one must do before building a tower?
Count the cost.

Luke 14:28

How to Get and Hold a Good JOB!
Plain Truth Magazine
May 1961
Volume: Vol XXVI, No.5
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How to Get and Hold a Good JOB!

There are REASONS why some men and women often seem to have "job troubles"! Do you know what they are? Do you know how to master this problem? Recession in business, nagging unemployment, the American economy in trouble!" These are the newspaper headlines we have had to read for many months now. Economists say we have hit bottom and are slowly to recover. How can you be sure you will keep your job - if you still have one? And what about getting a job if you are presently unemployed? Do you know the REAL answers to your financial and job problems? How can you help yourself - and your loved ones - to find true financial security in the uncertain years ahead?

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1961Vol XXVI, No.5