Know The Answer?
Who was Jesse the Bethlehemite?
David's father.

I Samuel 6

The Bible Story - Laws of Health
Plain Truth Magazine
July 1961
Volume: Vol XXVI, No.7
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The Bible Story - Laws of Health

Everybody should be healthy. God intended that His own people should not only know the truth but live radiant healthy lives. The Eternal chose the Israelites to know the truth and to be an example of a healthy nation. Only then could they perform the great work of helping carry out the Creator's wonderful plan. But they rebelled and have ever since refused to perform what God called them to do. God long ago revealed His laws to them - laws which all the nations had long before forgotten. These laws included rules having to do especially with good health. They had been told that they should be a clean people, and this meant that their food should be clean. So now we come to a surprising part of the Bible which very few really understand.

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Plain Truth MagazineJuly 1961Vol XXVI, No.7