Know The Answer?
Who said, "I must see this marvellous sight, why the bush is not burned up?"

Exodus 3:3

Personal from the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
February 1963
Volume: Vol XXVIII, No.2
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Personal from the Editor

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - How MANY times have you heard non-Christians, judging one who professes Christ, say in disgust: "Well if that's Christianity, I don't want any of it!" How many judge GOD by the way professing Christians live? How many assume that one must live a perfect life, before he can become a Christian? How many say: "If I could give up smoking, I'd become a Christian." How many think a Christian is supposed to be perfect, never doing anything wrong? Suppose you do see or hear about a Christian doing something WRONG. Does that mean he is a hypocrite - that he is not really a Christian, after all? Is it possible for one to actually SIN, while he is a Christian, and still remain a truly convened Christian? I suppose nearly everyone would reply in the negative. But here is a vital point you need to UNDERSTAND!

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1963Vol XXVIII, No.2