Know The Answer?
By what standard was Israel's stay in the wilderness decided?
One year for each day that the spies were spying.

Numbers 14:34

The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 71
Plain Truth Magazine
August 1965
Volume: Vol XXX, No.8
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The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 71

Speaking in London, touring the Continent eleven years after World War II, surprises in Germany. INSTALLMENT 71. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first installment of the Autobiography since the May, 1965 number, which contained Installment 70.) MRS. ARMSTRONG, our son Richard David and I returned to London from our Middle East tour Friday, May 25, 1956. Before leaving London on this "Bible-lands" tour, arrangements had been completed for holding a two-weeks' every-night speaking engagement at Dennison House, a hall in London's down-town west end near Victoria station. The office had been left in charge of George Meeker while we were gone. He and the office staff in London had sent out not ices of the meetings to those in and near London on our mailing list.

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Plain Truth MagazineAugust 1965Vol XXX, No.8