What You Should Know about Pentecost - Part II
Good News Magazine
May 1954
Volume: Vol IV, No. 4
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What You Should Know about Pentecost - Part II

Was the Church of God founded on Sunday? What is the real meaning of Pentecost, and why have the churches lost it? IS THIS the only "day of salvation"? The worldly churches generally teach that all who die unsaved, or do not "get saved" before the second coming of Christ, can never thereafter receive salvation. They assume there is a great contest in progress between Christ and Satan. They believe Christ came to save the world, and all these churches in the world are His churches, through which He is desperately trying to "get the world saved." On the other hand, the clever deceptive devil is doing all he can to prevent people from being "saved." And they seem to believe there is a time-limit on the contest.

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Good News MagazineMay 1954Vol IV, No. 4