Know The Answer?
Which nation invaded Judah during King Hezekiah's time?

II Kings 18:13

The Use of Tape Recorders in Our Church
Good News Magazine
May 1958
Volume: Vol VII, No. 5
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The Use of Tape Recorders in Our Church

In a recent conference with the other ministers here at Headquarters Church, Mr. Armstrong made a final decision about the use of tape recorders in Church services and College classrooms. You need to know WHY such a decision was made! DURING the ministerial conferences in January, the subject of tape recording was discussed. Tape recorders were becoming a major consideration in the Church services, at the annual Holy Day meetings, and to a small extent, even in the College classrooms. The question which arose at that time concerned whether everyone should make his own tape recordings, or whether one person should be authorized to do so. It was already becoming clear that we had to reduce the number of those making tape recordings. As a result of that discussion, it was decided to permit Mr. C. 0. Battles, of the Headquarters Church here in Pasadena, to be responsible for taking the sermons on tape, dubbing them and mailing them out to those who would be interested. Mr. Norman Smith, an ordained Evangelist, and Radio Studio Technician, was designated as the Minister in charge of these recordings.

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Good News MagazineMay 1958Vol VII, No. 5