Know The Answer?
Who symbolized the head of gold in the interpretation of Daniel?
King Nebuchadnezzar.

Daniel 2:37-38

How To Solve Your Personal Problems
Good News Magazine
December 1959
Volume: Vol VIII, No. 12
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How To Solve Your Personal Problems

Here is the surprising Bible answer. You need to read this advice now! YOU THINK it strange that you have so many problems and trials! Don't think you are the only one who has so many problems and trials. All the people in the world have their many problems, too. Your unconverted neighbors are not immune to problems, troubles, worries and afflictions. But, there is a great difference between your problems and your neighbors. For "The Lord delivereth him [you - the Christian] out of them all." God does not intervene to deliver the unrighteous out of their many problems and troubles! But just how does God deliver us out of all our afflictions! He does not usually remove these problems miraculously. But, He does deliver us out of them. Why Do We Have These Problems? The Bible gives many reasons for problems. Here are a few. One is given in the 8th chapter of Deuteronomy. Notice in verse 2 that ancient Israel was tried and humbled so that God might prove them. God needed to know what was in their heart, and whether or not they would keep His commandments.

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Good News MagazineDecember 1959Vol VIII, No. 12