Know The Answer?
Who am I: I thought money could buy the gift of the Holy Spirit. I started the new Christianity. It is plain for all to see that God's commandments are not for me.
Simon Magus

Acts 8

The Bible Story - God Chooses Solomon
Plain Truth Magazine
November 1967
Volume: Vol XXXII, No.11
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The Bible Story - God Chooses Solomon

Because David had gone against divine orders and had taken a census in Israel, God had caused seventy thousand sudden deaths in Israel. Israel's king had then heeded the advice of the prophet Gad, who had told him that the plague would be stopped if David would quickly build an altar. The site God had chosen for the altar was Mount Moriah, a high area on the northeast side of Jerusalem. God Selects His Temple Site. The spot was owned by a local Jebusite king named Oroan. Oman had a threshing floor there and with his four sons was busy threshing wheat when David arrived. (II Samuel 24:1-18; I Chronicles 21:1-20.)

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember 1967Vol XXXII, No.11