Know The Answer?
Who are we: We are scattered and very small. We are persecuted by all. We keep God's commandments and it sure makes us a happy lot. One day we will shed this body, and rise to meet Jesus Christ in the sky.
The Church of God

The Bible Story - Troubles in Israel and Judah
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1968
Volume: Vol XXXIII, No.6
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The Bible Story - Troubles in Israel and Judah

An army of a million soldiers, led by an ambitious Ethiopian named Zerah, had come from the south to invade the nation Judah. King Asa met them with only about half as many troops. Knowing that he would probably be utterly defeated unless God purposed otherwise, he earnestly appealed to God for help. (II Chronicles 14:8-11.) God Overthrows an Army Unaware that violent storm clouds were quickly gathering overhead, the invaders charged toward the Jews first with their three hundred swiftly-drawn chariots. When they were only a short distance from the first ranks of Asas archers, the cloudburst struck. At the same instant, God sent a violent earthquake which shattered the ground and quickly halted the chariots' charge. The chariots Aoundcred instead of running down their intended victims. Giant hailstones fell. The Ethiopian charioteers, in panic, fled.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1968Vol XXXIII, No.6