Know The Answer?
What am I: We are kept for seven days. There is a holy day on the first day and last day. Removal of sin is the dominant theme of this feast.
Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Exodus 23:15

I Can't Do A Thing With My Hair!
Good News Magazine
June 1963
Volume: Vol XII, No. 6
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I Can't Do A Thing With My Hair!
Nevelene Swaney  

ARE You clever at managing your hair, arranging your hair? You CAN be! You should be able to groom your locks to daily perfection! Good grooming is one facet of the woman God would have you be! To be well-groomed is to be at EASE-SELF can be completely forgotten - your mind is settled and can be used for the important purpose of serving others! A vitally important TOOL that can be used toward this end is CARE of the hair! A well-groomed head can offer more to a charming appearance than does becoming clothing. A woman SH0ULD budget time and money, and conscientiously make an EFFORT to learn how to manage her hair so that it CAN become a GLORY to her as God intended.

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Good News MagazineJune 1963Vol XII, No. 6