Know The Answer?
In what way did Judas Iscariot show remorse for betraying Jesus?
He gave back the money.

Matthew 27:3

What Is Moderation?
Good News Magazine
July 1964
Volume: Vol XIII, No. 7
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What Is Moderation?
John E Portune  

Following last month's article - "Wine Makes a Glad Heart" - this article will help you obtain exactly the RIGHT BALANCE should have regarding this subject. FEW SUBJECTS cause more comment today than the subject of drinking. Alcohol is so often the subject of heated discussion. Have you ever wondered why? Let's clear up this matter of moderate drinking. Let's see it explained in detail. If drinking is to be a part of a Christian's life, how must it be used and what benefits do we derive from it? Now the Bible shows that drinking is good, when done in moderation. It is drunkenness, not drinking, that God condemns. Yet among the members of God's Church there often is confusion about this important subject. Old wives' tales and considerable ignorance can easily be accepted as scripturally sound without the slightest Biblical authority.

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Good News MagazineJuly 1964Vol XIII, No. 7