Know The Answer?
What did Jacob call the place where in a dream he saw angels ascending and descending?

Genesis 28

UPDATE: 41 years old - and NEW!
Good News Magazine
February 1975
Volume: Vol XXIV, No. 2
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UPDATE: 41 years old - and NEW!
Good News Staff      |   Remove Highlight

This month marks two important milestones for (he Plain Truth magazine. First, the magazine is 41 years old. From its humble origin in February 1934 - when a few hundred copies were run off a Neostyle (similar to the one pictured above) - the magazine has grown in circulation, scope and quality. Today it has a circulation of over 2,700,000 and reaches an audience of millions throughout the world. Second, the Plain Truth is 41 years NEW! It has a new format - a new look. A 16-page biweekly journal in tabloid format succeeds the previous magazine format published once a month. The new format and frequency of publication was adopted for several reasons: 1) By coming out 22 times a year - instead of 10 - we will be able to report more quickly on news events. The editorial content will be more timely and meaningful to the reader. This allows for an immediacy that is difficult to capture in a monthly magazine format.

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Good News MagazineFebruary 1975Vol XXIV, No. 2