Know The Answer?
At Jesus' trial how did Peter respond to the charge that he was with Jesus?
He denied it.

Matthew 26:72

UPDATE: The Church in Action - BURMA - At Last!
Good News Magazine
June 1975
Volume: Vol XXIV, No. 6
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UPDATE: The Church in Action - BURMA - At Last!
Good News Staff  

HOW would you like to wait for ten years or more for. a visit from one of God's ministers? In 1959 Herbert Zam Hei and his friend Fulbert Tum Kyo from the northern Chin Hills in Burma saw a copy of the British edition of Reader's Digest with an ad offering the Proof of the Bible and the Plain Truth magazine. In 1964, after reading the Plain Truth and other Ambassador College publications, they requested a visit from our Sydney, Australia office. In 1962 an elderly Baptist missionary gave a copy of the Plain Truth to Saw Lay Beh in the Myaung Mya district of the Irrawaddy delta west of Rangoon. Four years later he wrote to our office in Australia requesting baptism. However, during the '60s Burma had a policy which greatly restricted foreign tourists from visiting the country. In 1971 when Arthur Docken and Gene Hughes made a visiting and baptizing tour of Southeast Asia, they were unable to obtain visas to include Burma.

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Good News MagazineJune 1975Vol XXIV, No. 6