What is prophesied to directly affect and to happen to the United States? As I've been saying you have to know where the United States is mentioned in the Bible prophecies to understand it. We're mentioned more often than all other nations put together in the Bible. But we're not mentioned under our own name — the United States — we weren't known by that name when the Bible was written. And in the Bible you'll find modern nations mentioned by the names of their ancestors. For instance, the Turkish people are descended from Esau who is often called Edom in your Bible, and where you find Edom or Esau that means the Turkish people today if it's a prophecy pertaining to today. Now in like manner, while some of the nations are mentioned in their present day names like Egypt and some of those; and Syria and some of those. You'll find in Ezekiel the thirty-eighth chapter, a prophecy that all Bible students, virtually all I think, recognize is speaking about Russia today. But it's speaking not about the name Russia, it doesn't use the word Kremlin. It doesn't use words like that. It says, "Son of man, set thy face against Gog [G-O-G] [in], the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say..." (Ezekiel 38:2-3). Who's it talking about? If you can't identify these nations, you don't know who it's talking about, then you don't understand prophecy.
Now you turn back into the tenth chapter of Genesis and you begin to find the identity of some of these peoples, and of some of these nations. And you begin to find that these are all descendants from Japheth and they were of the yellow races and the Asiatic nations, even including over into Russia. And we find by running it down and tracing it, that that is speaking about Russia. Now I think nearly all Bible students understand that, I'm just mentioning something that everybody does agree and understand. A cavalry had been the very symbol of the Russian armies and it speaks about, "all thine army, horses and horsemen..." (Ezekiel 38:4), here in verse four, and actually, Meshech is merely a changed spelling of the modern day Moscow. Tubal is Tobosc which has been the capital city of Russia in Asia, and is generally known that that's speaking of them. But where are we mentioned in prophecy?
Well now once again let me just tell you if you don't understand you better get our booklet 'The United States in Prophecy' that will explain it. Whatever happen to God's people Israel? You think the Jewish people are all there is of Israel? Oh no they're not! I've explained that Israel was divided into two nations. The southern kingdom was called Judah and they became known as the Jews. And the first place the word Jews occur in your Bible — II Kings 16:6 — the Jews were at war against Israel. Israel was fighting against the Jews - different nations altogether. The northern kingdom is called Israel. They were driven out in 721 BC. They were to be punished, and the promises God had made to Abraham withheld from them for 2520 years from 721 BC — that's 1800 AD. And my friends they migrated northwest from Assyria where they had been taken captive and there we lost sight of them. And we find by prophecy and by connecting prophecy with history, we find that they migrated to northwestern Europe and the British Isles. And the people that are now in northwestern Europe and the British isles — the first history — the very first historic record we find of them, they were coming from the very spot where the so-called lost ten tribes of Israel were last lost sight of.
I've shown you in the preceding program that God gave His people Israel a sign that will identify them as His people. A sign which was His Sabbath incidentally, that would reveal to them who God is. The God that sanctified them and made them His people. How they rejected that sign, and how the first king that they set over them when they rejected Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, the son of David, and set up the two golden calves and introduced idolatry into the kingdom, and then had changed the annual Sabbath days or holy days that God had given them from the seventh into the eighth month, and the seventh day of the week to the eighth day. And when we pick them up in history later, these same people were observing what we call the eighth day, or it's the day after the first day, or the day after the seventh day, I should say, of the week. It is therefore what we call, the first day of the week. And they rejected God's sign by which they should know that He is God and by which they should be known as His people.
Idolatry and Sabbath Breaking
Now the very two commandments that God had stressed when He said, keep my commandments and I'll make you prosperous and you can have the blessings that were promised unconditionally to Abraham — were to avoid idolatry and Sabbath breaking and those are the same identical commandments of God that Israel did rebel against. And I read it to you in the twentieth chapter of Ezekiel. That God had given them His Sabbaths to be a sign between Him and them. That He gave them His statutes and His judgments. But what did they do? They walked after their father's idols and observed their ways. And then He said to their children later — another generation."I said unto their children in the wilderness, walk ye not in the statues of your fathers, neither observe their judgments, nor defile yourselves with their idols [or their ways]. I am the [Eternal] your God; walk in my statutes [that is God's ways], keep my judgments, and do them [that's God's ways]; hallow my Sabbaths [that's God's ways, but they went after their father's ways — different days altogether — different things. My Sabbaths that you]; they shall be a sign between me and you that you shall know that I am the [Eternal] your God. Notwithstanding the children rebelled against me: they walked not in my statutes, neither kept my judgments to do them... they polluted my sabbaths:" (Ezekiel 20:18-21)
Their eyes were after their father's idols, idolatry and Sabbath breaking. Therefore they were driven out and lost and since they lost the sign by which they should be known, they thought they were Gentiles. They've always thought they were Gentiles, but I've shown you that the Jewish people after their captivity realized that they have been driven out because of that very thing, and they have been punished and the greatest national punishment that God Almighty ever meted to a nation. And his own chosen people at that — because of those two great sins, and so the Jewish people became very, very much set against idolatry and against Sabbath breaking. And so they began to invent a lot of ideas of their own - rules, regulations to make the Sabbath a hard, straightlaced yolk of bondage, and they have 65 rules and regulations that traditions of men, that Jesus rebuked by the time of Jesus Christ.
Whole chapters in the New Testament are devoted to the message of Jesus Christ straightening them out on that and showing how to observe the Sabbath, and He is the mediator of the NEW, and not of the old covenant. Oh how mixed up some people are. They try to say that He preached an old covenant message for three and a half years, and spent that whole three and a half years preaching an old covenant message just so He could knock it in the head immediately after He got through, and that He nailed it all to His cross. Oh what poppycock, and what ignorance, and what nonsense some people do believe. God help us then to understand!
Well, that birthright promise of national greatness and power was withheld for 2520 years until 1800 AD. And in 1800 AD my friends, the British and the American people were as nothing — just little insignificant nations. But by 1804, London dominated the world as a financial center, and we came into such great wealth and such great power as NO nations or people had ever acquired before because God promised it to Abraham. Now I've covered that in previous broadcasts. Now what about us? We are Israel today. Not Judah, but Israel. And NEVER, NEVER are the Jewish people called by the name — the house of Israel or the kingdom of Israel. Never is that name applied to them. Jewish people are Israelites and they are called, 'oh ye men of Israel' and by names and words like that in the New Testament and other places, but never are the Jewish people called Kingdom of Israel or House of Israel. Those are things to remember. And the nation Israel had its capital anciently in Samaria. Judah or the Jewish people in Jerusalem. And so Samaria stands for Israel, and then again Rachel who was the mother of Joseph stands for Israel. You'll notice names like that in the Bible. Those are a key to understanding the Bible, and that identifies us. Now with that in mind let us go on.
Great Tribulation is Coming
I've shown you my friends that a great tribulation is coming, the very next thing prophesied. First the famine and the disease epidemic to be accompanied almost simultaneously or immediately afterwards by an invasion, and of a power that is going to rise up in Europe that is going to get the jump on the communists and will invade us, and is going to start war on us even before the communists get around to doing it because they're so slow moving. Now we do know that the Jewish people were to go back to Palestine, and by the time these final events happen, that the men of Judah — which are the Jewish people — are to be in Palestine. Now then, this great tribulation is to follow, and it is both national and individual. I've shown you that. Jesus said in Matthew 24, and speaking in verse 8 of the pestilence and of the famine that is to come; and we're getting a foretaste of it and there is a terrific national drought coming that will be accompanied by such disease epidemics that one third of our people are going to drop dead; and in spite of all polio vaccines and everything of the kind my friends, things are coming that doctors will never know anything about or be able to cope with. It is in your Bible.Now, that is the beginning of the tribulation, verse 8 and then in verse 9, "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted [and that's speaking of Christians privately and individually], and shall kill you [and then the latter half of this sentence is speaking nationally of a national invasion]: you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." (Matthew 24:9)
Now verse 21, "...then there shall be great tribulation, such as was not [from] the beginning of the world to this [same] time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days shall be shortened there should no flesh be saved [alive]." (Matthew 24:21-22)
In other words, human life would be annihilated from off the face of the entire earth, and we now for the first time in the history of mankind have reached the time when scientists tell us that mankind can be wiped off of the face of the earth. Einstein knew that — he knew that. The great scientists of the world have known that. "... except for these days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved alive but [Oh listen to this] ...for the elect's sake [Oh you better be glad those elect are here] ...For the elect's sake those days shall be shortened" (Matthew 24:22). God Almighty is going to intervene. God will step in and interfere.
Now just before that happens, something terrible is going to happen to the United States. I want you to notice. This great tribulation my friends is the time of our national trouble. It's the very time of OUR NATIONAL TROUBLE! I want to show you that. Will you turn real quickly with me now to Jeremiah the thirtieth chapter? I've given this to you before. Now real quickly lets go through some of these prophecies. Here is what is foretold in your Bible. One-third of your Bible is prophecy. Listen, the Bible is the book of Israel, it pertains to Israel, it concerns other nations only as they come in contact with Israel because God's whole plan, God's whole purpose being worked out here below is centered around the people He chose - Israel. They're not His favorite people; they're not His pet people. He doesn't love us more than He loves the Chinese, the Japanese, the Arabs, the people of Africa, or any other part of the world. It is merely a matter that He chose us and you know why? Because our forefather, Abraham obeyed God - kept His commandments. God is Supreme Ruler as well as Creator. That's the thing the world has forgotten. That's the all important thing. That God set the laws in motion and God only can reveal the way to live and everything that we need.
Prophecy for our People
Now look, here's this prophecy for our people. All prophecy is concerned with Israel, it centers around Israel and we are Israel. Now if you don't know that, get that booklet, 'The United States in Prophecy', there's no charge. You better get pen, envelope, and paper right now quickly while I'm speaking and write in for it immediately. Do it before you turn to another broadcast, before you forget it. You can't understand your Bible without it. That's a challenge. I say that you're ignorant of your Bible, you're actually IGNORANT! You don't understand it until you get this. I hope that really stuns you enough to study and see whether this is true because I want to tell you there was a minister down in Florida that wrote me a letter years ago and he told me just what I now told you.He said, "Mr Armstrong if you don't know that you're just ignorant." You know that stung me to the quick! I thought "would anyone call me ignorant!" Well that was...well I didn't take it as an insult. I certainly don't mean this as an insult to any of you listeners either. I mean it just the way he meant it to me. But, I want to tell you one thing, I went to the public libraries, and I had to dig this thing out, and I had to spend years getting it. Well you don't have to do that. This booklet here, we'll give it to you so that you can study it with your Bible, and just in a matter of hours you can get it — all boiled down and condensed — and I've had to sort a lot of chaff out from the wheat because there is a lot of teaching on that subject that is not true, and because there's some errors being taught on that subject a lot of people seize on a few points of error then they ridicule and sneer at the whole truth. My friends it is a truth! You better study it and understand your Bible. It's vital; we're coming down to these times. The only thing that counts now is the conditions in this world and where we're headed and where we're going. We're in the last days. If you want to know what the end of the world is you better know about these things. It doesn't mean the end of the earth's existence.
Well here is this prophecy — thirtieth chapter of Jeremiah. "Lo, the days come, saith the [Eternal], that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the [Eternal]:" (Jeremiah 30:3)
That's speaking of the second coming of Christ and the deliverance of His people FROM A CAPTIVITY, and it shows right there that at the time of the second coming of Christ, God's people Israel — whoever they are — are going to be in a state of captivity.
The Jewish people are scattered in all nations all over, but this is Israel. Well of course the Jewish people have their own nation in Palestine now; and even there they are going to be in a state of captivity too and we're going to be in a state of captivity IF WE DO NOT WAKE UP AND RETURN TO OUR GOD!
I've shown you the two great sins for which our forefathers were punished. We're guilty of those same two sins now today. Only we don't know what an idol is anymore. An idol isn't just a statue that supposed to be an image of Christ or something, or some other god of some kind. Your automobile might be your idol, or your television set could be your idol if you put it to a wrong use. A whole lot of things can become an idol. I want to tell you that our land is full of idols; it's full of churches, but it's also full of idols and we don't seem to know what our idols are. I had an idol and it wasn't anything like that at all. God took it away from me. I had to give it up and it had to be torn out. It was a lot harder than tearing a tooth out of my mouth. It was very painful to give up, but it was the one thing that my whole heart was set on. The thing I hoped to be and to make of myself — my whole life's ambition. God tore it out root and branch and I had to give it up; and I had to suffer; and I had to make a surrender and give myself over to God instead before I could ever become His child, and before He could ever use me. My friends you have to find what is your idol - you're idol won't be the same as I had. You've got a different idol maybe. But most of us have had a lot of idols. One man's idol is his own intellectual capacity — he thinks he's pretty smart and pretty bright. Maybe you have to be brought down and find out there are other people that are smarter than you are. I know a man — his idol is his wealth. Maybe he'll have to lose it or else he'll never gain the kingdom of God. Whatever your idol is my friends you've got to give it up. You can't worship an idol and God too. Now what is your idol?
Captivity of Israel
Listen, He's going to,"...bring again the captivity of [His] people Israel and Judah, saith the [Eternal]: and I'll cause them to return [where?] to the land that I gave their fathers, and they shall possess it" (Jeremiah 30:3). Now that means that wherever they are, they're going to be away from that time. Now the Jewish people, the only Jewish people that are in a nation or IN that land now, and you see the people that this is speaking of are a nation that are away from that land are going to be taken captive away from that land and brought to that land. It isn't speaking of the nation you call Israel over there now. I want you to notice that point.All right verse 4: "These are the words that the [Eternal] spake concerning Israel and concerning Judah [that concerns our people and also the Jewish people]. For thus saith the [Eternal]; We heard a voice of trembling and of fear, not of peace [it's a time of war. Listen]. Ask you now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? Wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it:" (Jeremiah 30:4-7)
Whatever it is, it is the greatest of its kind. What is it? It's a time of trouble. The greatest time of trouble the world has ever known. What is it? The great tribulation. So great there's never been anything like it since there was a nation. Here it is, "that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it" (Jeremiah 30:7). Not that he won't get into it. He will get into it and then be saved out of it after he gets into it. He's going to get into the greatest time of trouble that ever happened to any nation.
Now what was that I read to you back here about the greatest time of trouble that ever happened to a nation? "...then shall be great tribulation [that's trouble], such as was not [from] the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Except those days should be shortened, no flesh should be saved [alive]." (Matthew 24:21-22.)
What did I read to you my friends about Daniel, and what Daniel says about it? Daniel twelve. Here it is just before the return of Christ and the resurrection of the dead. "At that time Michael the archangel shall stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation [it's speaking of nations and national trouble — since there was a nation] even to that same time [same trouble]: and at that time shall thy people be delivered everyone that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life... " (Daniel 12:1-2) The second coming of Christ.
Now that shows the resurrection at the second coming of Christ. Here in Jeremiah's prophecy he shows taking the remnant of Israel that was in a captivity back to Palestine. They've been in a captivity away from Palestine. They've been living away from Palestine. Now at last after all these years they're going back to Palestine. It isn't speaking of the Jewish nation that's over there now. Not at all, it's speaking of Israel as well as Jews. And there's plenty of Jews that is out there now incidentally too.
Time of Jacob's Trouble
"Alas! for that day is great that none is like it: it is even the time of...." [whose trouble?]. (Jeremiah 30:7)Here's that great tribulation, that great tribulation is the time of whose trouble, my friends? Jacob. Now who is Jacob? Where is Jacob today? It isn't just the time of Jewish trouble. You think that there are enough Jews in the world — about 15 or 17 million Jewish people. You think there are enough of them with the few that are in Palestine, the rest scattered in all the nations over the earth, that just a trouble on them will be the greatest time of trouble that has ever happened in the world. I should say not! No, but when it involves the British Commonwealth, when it involves the whole United States as well as all the Jewish people. When it involves ALL of the democratic nations of northwestern Europe, then I tell you my friends we're getting into the worst time of trouble that this world has ever known and that's exactly what your Bible is talking about. Some people say which Bible do you use? I'm talking about your Bible; I don't know whether you have a Roman Catholic Douay Bible. I don't know whether you have a King James Protestant Bible. I don't know whether you have one of these more modern Bibles in more modern English, the modern Revised Standard. Whichever you have, it's in your Bible. There are some differences in translations, there's some errors in translations. But they're just slight enough that when I talk about what's in your Bible, I tell you my friends which ever one you have you're going to get it. You can get the truth if you want it. I don't mean that everyone is a hundred percent correct either, but they are near enough you can get to enough of the truth if you are willing. The main thing is where is your heart? Are you self-willed? You want your own way or are you willing to surrender to God now?
Look, verse 8; "...it shall come to pass in that day saith the [Eternal] of hosts [here is the thus saith the Lord], that I will break HIS yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers [that's Gentile nations] shall no more serve themselves of him: (Jeremiah 30:8)
Gentile nations then would have been serving us. Let me catch that in the Revised Standard here. Jeremiah the thirtieth chapter and here I have it and that was in verse 8, verse 8; let me read it to you here; " And it shall come to pass in that day, says the [Eternal] of hosts, that I will break the yoke from off their neck, and I will burst their bonds [it's speaking of Israel], and strangers [or Gentile nations] shall no more make servants of them [of Israel]. But they shall serve the [Eternal] their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them" (Jeremiah 30:8-9 Revised Standard). It's speaking of a time of a resurrection of the dead.
David, King David of ancient Israel, shall be resurrected and he will be raised up from the dead and be king over Israel, and Jesus Christ will come at His second coming as the King of kings and the Lord of lords over every nation on the face of the earth. And at the time He comes there will be a yoke on Israel's neck. He says "I will break that yoke from off their neck." Who's going to put that yoke on our neck? Will you turn real quickly back to Isaiah 47; I only have a few moments. Isaiah 47:1:
"Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon [now this isn't ancient Babylon 600 years before Christ. It's the daughter of that Babylon, a virgin daughter Babylon. This is a prophecy for the far, far future, not a history of that day], O daughter of the Chaldeans [that Babylon was always called in the male gender as a he. Here is one that is a daughter, and my friends the feminine gender is always spoken of as a church, and the male gender as a civil government. And here it's speaking of a religious element here that is going to get into politics and rule over the political power it's speaking of. It's a modern thing, this is not the ancient Babylon - listen]: thou shall no more be called tender and delicate." (Isaiah 47:1)
Just compare that to Revelation 17 and Revelation 18. You'll see the same thing, speaking of the same power exactly. Now the fifth verse, "Sit thou silent, get thee into the darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: thou shall no more be called [what?], The lady of kingdoms" (Isaiah 47:5). 'Lady' means a religious organization or church that entered into politics and ruled over nations. That's exactly what it's speaking of and you turn to Revelation 17 and there you'll find it described.
"I [says God] was wroth with my people [that's Israel, and], I have polluted mine inheritance..." [that's Israel] (Isaiah 47:6). Why? Because of their sins, and He's going to punish us to STRAIGHTEN us out lest we destroy our own selves. God loves us and He's going to let us be punished for our own good if we won't heed His warning without the punishment.
Listen, "[I have]...given them [that's Israel — His inheritance] into THINE hand [this daughter of Babylon] and thou did show them no mercy upon the ancient [or Israel] hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke." (Isaiah 47:6)
There is the power that had the yoke on us. There it is, and it's the very power that you find in Revelation seventeen, and there you find that the civil governments under that power are to rise up and to resurrect the ancient Roman Empire, and it's coming right now in Europe and that very thing my friends is going to get the jump on the communist powers and is going to invade us. Oh there's so many more prophecies on it. I wanted to get over here to Micah five and so many other prophecies; I'll come to them tomorrow. I'm going to give you more and more and more prophecies that show you what is prophesied to happen to our nation. One third of our people are to die in the famine and the pestilence and other third by the invasion that is coming IF WE DON'T WAKE UP AND RETURN TO OUR GOD!
Write in for this booklet 'The United States in Prophecy'. Know these things; it's the most dynamic, vital thing of this time. So this is Herbert W Armstrong saying, "Goodbye until tomorrow."