Know The Answer?
On what did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
A young donkey.

Luke 19:36

Why the vast difference between animal brain and HUMAN MIND? - Part IV
Plain Truth Magazine
May 1972
Volume: Vol XXXVII, No.4
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Why the vast difference between animal brain and HUMAN MIND? - Part IV
Robert L Kuhn  

In our January and February issues, we analyzed the similarities and differences between the mental activities of humans and animals. We demonstrated that human thought is enormously superior to animal thought. In the March-April issue and now in May, we analyze the similarities and differences between the physiological brains of humans and animals. We are demonstrating that the human brain is only barely superior to animal brain. Finally, in June, we will correlate the two - as we explain the enormous superiority of human mental activity in the light of the bare superiority of human physiological brain - and begin to answer the ultimate question: What is man?

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1972Vol XXXVII, No.4