Know The Answer?
What did Moses say would happen at the end of every seventh year?
Debts would be cancelled.

Deuteronomy 15:1

Plain Truth Magazine
February 1973
Volume: Vol XXXVIII, No.2
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Paul W Kroll  

Many philosophers have constructed and written out their ideas for a utopian society. Some of these works have become great literature. But the one utopian system that could succeed has generally been left out of the mainstream of discussion and analysis. It has come to be the "neglected utopia." The very word utopia implies some idealistic but impossible idea of civilization. The dictionary definition calls any idea of utopia "an impractical scheme of social regeneration." Anyone who believes in or writes about any kind of utopia, millennium or perfect society is looked upon as an idealistic but naive individual. But why? The answer is found in the way our world is set up.

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Plain Truth MagazineFebruary 1973Vol XXXVIII, No.2