Know The Answer?
At Jesus' crucifixion what did they do with his garments?
They cast lots for them.

Luke 23:24

WORLDWATCH: Peace Forces on the March
Plain Truth Magazine
June 21, 1975
Volume: Vol XL, No.11
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WORLDWATCH: Peace Forces on the March

"Alle auf die Strasse. Rot is der Mai. Alle auf die Strasse. Saigon ist frei. - "Into the streets. May (day) is Red: Into the streets. Saigon is free," "This little ditty, celebrating both this year's "May Day" and the nearly simultaneous Viet Cong victory in Saigon, was published in the East Germap Communist Party daily, Neues Deutschland, which I picked up at a news kiosk in Prague, Czechoslqvakia. Ostensibly, according to the editors of the newspaper (which publishes only communist good news and capitalist bad news) the verse was written by the "Youth Oktober Club" of East Berlin in honor of the victory of the "People's Liberation Forces" of South Vietnam.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 21, 1975Vol XL, No.11