Know The Answer?
Name one of Job's three friends.
Eliphaz, Zophar, Bildad

Job 2:11 or Job 42:9
Special Topics (Reprint Articles)
Recapturing True Values: The Story of the Worldwide Church of God
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Recapturing True Values: The Story of the Worldwide Church of God

EACH day thousands of letters arrive at Worldwide Church of God offices around the world. Many of them request items of free literature from the selection of magazines, books and booklets offered by the Church. Others ask for ministerial counsel and help. Meanwhile in Jordan, students from the Church's Ambassador College help handicapped children become productive members of society. An average of 180,000 people a year attend Ambassador Foundation's world-renowned performing arts series in California. The U.S. surgeon general, experts on drug abuse and officials concerned about environmental issues appear on the World Tomorrow television program. And after reading a Plain Truth magazine article on alcoholism, a woman writes, "You saved my husband's life." All of these are facets and activities of the Worldwide Church of God.

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