March 17, 1954  
March 17, 1954 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

BOX 111, Pasadena, California

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

March 17. 1954

Dear Faithful Co-Workers for Christ:

   Thank God! — we're still on the air — world-wide! Yes, in this tight squeeze getting the broadcast established on a major network, we have been making it — so far!

   But now we approach the very crisis bottle-neck of this tight squeeze. Now comes the SUPREME TEST!

   Your earnest prayers the past three weeks have been heard. Your willingness to sacrifice your own wants or needs, and to put God's work first, has tided this great work over another three weeks. THANK YOU! and God bless you!

   But now this last half of the month is the big test. Already the receipt of money for the most important work on earth is again falling off alarmingly. The past four days less than half our daily expense-quota has come in. We must KEEP PRAYING!

   I want you to know what mighty power this work is wielding upon MILLIONS of precious lives all over America, Canada, Britain, all Europe, the middle-east, India, southeast Asia and China. I want to let you look over my shoulder, once again, and read with me some of the thousands of letters pouring in from this world-wide Gospel crusade. But first let me explain in few words the exact situation as of this moment:

   Before we went on the ABC radio network last October, we had almost no radio coverage at all in that great area east of Indiana and Michigan, and north of North Carolina. More than half of all the people in the United States live in this area! We were not reaching them — more than half of the United States population! Furthermore, we had weak coverage all along the Atlantic Coast, and across all the northern states in the middle-west and north-west. The network gives us extensive coverage in all these areas. We use NONE of the network stations in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, where our coverage is strongest on XEG, XELO, AND XERF. We use only one network station in each of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky, where we have fairly good coverage from the super-power Mexican stations.

   Now we have good radio coverage over the entire United States. It will more than DOUBLE the vast American listening audience — TWICE as many hearing God's truth as before. Already these hundreds of thousands of NEW listeners are beginning to become co-workers with us. OUR GREAT PROBLEM is to tide over, and be able to stay on this great network, UNTIL enough new co-workers from among these NEW listeners join us to pay this additional expense. The indication is, based on what is already happening, and on twenty years' experience, that by next November or December we shall have emerged out of this temporary tight squeeze.


   The LAST HALF of every month is our real test. That's when we receive only about HALF as much money as we have to pay out!

   This work is A DIRECT FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY! It's GOD'S work! We must keep on making every possible sacrifice for this great dynamic, world-wide work of God for this time. Soon World War III will explode. In the latest test-explosion of a hydrogen bomb men were burned 30 miles away and sent to a hospital! It's TERRIFYING! GOD'S work must be completed before this horrifying thing breaks loose! We must finish the work while it is DAY — the night is coming when no man can work in God's work!

   The broadcast, and The PLAIN TRUTH, are literally shaking Britain! You probably have no conception of the tremendous influence this program, which is made possible by your dollars and your PRAYERS, is having on our British cousins overseas!

   Letters are pouring in by the hundreds! British leaders tell me the effect of The WORLD TOMORROW on Britain is almost beyond belief! They are being STIRRED more than you people in America ever were!

   So now look over my shoulder, as it were — here are just a FEW of the thousands of letters:

   From an official of a large British religious federation: "Dear Brother in Israel: I was asked by a friend some time ago if I ever listened to you on Radio Lux.; and when I did, I came to the conclusion that you knew where modern Israel was, and the meaning of these days. Your magazine, for which I sincerely thank you is to hand today, and confirms what I thought. I have read it with great appreciation. Those who know this truth (our identity is ISRAEL) are VERY many today in these islands, and in the Common- wealth. I would like to tell you for your encouragement that you are listened to by many more people than your mail might indicate. I have been amazed at the number of people who have told me they listen to you regularly. May God's blessing rest on your witness."

   From Cornwall, England: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: So many times we have intended writing you regarding your Gospel broadcast over Radio Luxembourg. Truly it is a very special time of spiritual uplift. We do thank God that He has privileged us to be amongst your vast audience to listen to your inspiring messages of the Scriptures. I'm sure, too, that your ministry will be mightily used to enlighten the intellectuals, because you can meet them on their own ground. The Holy Spirit is truly revealing wonderful truths through you. My father and I are just ordinary simple folks, and we would surely like to say a big "THANK YOU' to you for your profound yet simple messages. We enjoy your daughter's ministry in song, too. "Eye hath not Seen, Ear hath not Heard,' from the Holy City, is one of our favorites. My father would very much like a copy of 'The United States and Britain in Prophecy,' please. Thank you again, Sincerely yours in Christ."

   From Genoa, Italy: "Dear Sir: Last Monday night I heard your very interesting broadcast and the sweet voice of your daughter singing. The programme was a rather unusual one. I should like to know something more of it. It appears to be both religious and scientific. I have never heard a programme just like yours. Thanks for the broadcast. Perhaps you would send me your magazine. Yours sincerely."

   From Oslo, Norway: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: Thank you very much for your interesting programme that reached me from Radio Luxembourg yesterday. I should be thankful to receive your offered book."

   From Malung, Sweden: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: I have been very glad to listen to your radio message last night over Radio Luxembourg, and I will say you my heartily thanks for that. In the same time, I will wish you God's richest blessing over your works for God in this style. I will be very thankful to you when you will send me a copy of your book. I am believing in that our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ soon are coming again, therefore I am very interesting in every thing who are written about that theme. With my best greetings, and God bless you. Yours in Christ."

   From Bermaringen, Blaubeuren. Germany: "Dear Sir: I am a German student. In order to polish my knowledge of English I am very often listening to French or English broadcasting stations. This afternoon I was tuned to Radio Luxembourg and I was very happy to hear your sermon on Bible reading. I was so impressed that I decided to listen to these broadcasts as often as I am in position to do so. At the end of your sermon I heard the announcement that you have available a booklet on 'What Is Prophesied.' At first I had doubts whether I should write to you or not. Finally I came to the conclusion that I certainly could not commit a crime by asking you to send the booklet to a German student, whose mother tongue is not English but who endeavors very hard to learn English as perfectly as possible. I am so deeply interested in the subject. I hope that you will not blame me for this letter, and remain, Dear Sir, Yours faithfully."

   From Milan, Italy: "Dear Sir: I was very interested by your broadcast and I would be very pleased if you send me 'What is Prophesied,' at the following address. I thank you in advance, and I remain, Dear Sir, yours faithfully."

   From Paris, France: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: I heard you again last night from Luxembourg. I admire your zeal, ability, and courage. May the Lord bless you richly in bringing pure light to those who are confused. May many souls be saved! Send me please The Plain Truth and 'What is Prophesied.' When I was recently in Yugoslavia crowds of people were seeking the Lord, - something unusual. Could you do something for East Europe also? I am, Sir, in the Lord's blessed service."

   TRULY, DEAR CO-WORKERS, GOD IS USING YOUR OFFERINGS AND HIS TITHES FROM YOUR LABOR TO SEND HIS GOSPEL INTO ALL THE WORLD, FOR A WITNESS UNTO ALL NATIONS! My, how these letters ought to warm our hearts, and encourage us to PRESS ON! Just remember, as you read these heart-touching letters, it is YOUR DOLLARS that are being turned into THE VERY WORD OF GOD, finding lodgment in the hearts of these people in MANY NATIONS.

   From Alderney, Channel Islands: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: Thank you for the broadcasts which we listen to on Monday nights. They are indeed a great spiritual uplift to my husband and me, here on a small island, where there is very little Christian fellowship. We very much would like to receive copies of The PLAIN TRUTH. May God richly bless your messages, also your daughter's singing. We have a son and a daughter whose talents, we pray, will be given to their Lord for service. Assuring you of our prayers and gratitude, Yours sincerely."

   From County Arcklow, South Ireland: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: Please let me have the book you so kindly told us about over Radio Luxembourg today. It is a great privilege for us to listen to your voice over the radio; also to your daughter's singing. We get a great blessing listening. God grant many precious souls may come to Jesus through your messages. Please pray for us here, and that the neighbors may come to Jesus. Yours in His name."

   From Belfast, North Ireland: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: I am thrilled to hear your message of hope these past Mondays over Radio Luxembourg. I should like to have you put my name down for the booklet you offered so kindly over this station last night. I am not being greedy, but then I am sure you will understand, as this Kingdom message of hope for the future is not touched by most churches, so I would like to hear more. Once again thanking you for your hope-inspiring messages, and I trust God may bless your efforts in His work."

   From Neslandsvat, Norway: "Dear Sir: I have been listening to your program over Radio Luxembourg, and I am sending you a few words to let you know that I am very thankful to God and to you every time I hear the Gospel go out in the air like that. I am living in South Norway, and I get the broadcast in very clear. I should like to have the booklet you announced in the radio. Please will you send me one of each, and I should be very glad to receive it. I understand English very well, but I am not good to write. So please excuse my mistakes. Yours in Jesus Christ."

   A man in the Royal Air Force, stationed in Wales, writes: "I am writing to sincerely thank you for your wonderful, inspired radio programme, which we hear on Radio Luxembourg, and for the January '54 issue of your 'Plain Truth' magazine. I really must tell you how much your radio programme and magazine mean to me personally and my friends in the R.A.F. who listen to your programme. We hear many religious programmes but we honestly believe that the 'World Tomorrow" is the "Tops" for sincerity and interest. I am sure, Sir, that the 'World Tomorrow' is bringing more souls to Christ than any of the other religious programmes, and certainly more than the established churches in Great Britain. The Plain Truth is quite definitely the most forthright and down to earth magazine I have ever read. It sets out your message so clearly and distinctly and I only wish I could assist you with a contribution. But as you know, the Chancellor of the Exchequer forbids sending money out of the country. Well, Mr. Armstrong, I hope you will have many such letters as mine from Great Britain and the rest of Europe; don't ever take your programme from Radio Luxembourg — it is needed here as everywhere."

   Here is another letter form Denmark: "Dear Mr. Armstrong, Yesterday I tuned in to your broadcast over Radio Luxembourg. Your powerful message attracted me, and as it was new thought for me, the wish arose in my heart to study those thoughts a little closer. Therefore, I was happy that you later on offered a little book written by you which I should be very glad to read. I must say that your message interested me very much and I am looking forward to being better acquainted with you through the printed page. Your talk yesterday was very powerful and inspiring."

   Here is another letter from a minister in Manchester, England. "My Dear Brethren. I am so pleased to receive 'The Plain Truth.' It is certainly very true, and so needed in these closing days, when men's hearts are 'failing for fear of what is coming on earth.' I am interested too in 'How Did This World's Religions Begin?' (Jan. issue Plain Truth.)

   Here is another from Cheshire, England: "Dear Brother Armstrong. Today I received my copy of 'The Plain Truth' and if ever a title was appropriate to a subject then this magazine is rightly titled. What an asset to the study of the Bible and man's trend today! I realize the publication of such a splendid work costs money, but we are unable to send money out of this country. Your magazine is much too valuable to the study of the Bible to risk missing any part of the series, or better still of the 'Plain Truth.' It is, therefore, with the greatest sincerity and appeal that I ask my name be place on your mailing list for supply of any literature connected with the truths of the Bible."

   Brethren,I believe you can see from these few letters just how great the need for God's TRUTH is, overseas. Certainly the mission that God has called us all to — preaching His word to the nations of the earth — is a job in which we must never grow lax or forget with our prayers, tithes and offerings.

   There are THOUSANDS OF PRECIOUS SOULS just such as these who yearn for God's Truth, and are able to receive it only as God lays it on the hearts of the people just such as yourself to help in YOUR part of HIS ministry — a need that these people in England and Europe cannot supply because of Government regulations.

   This work is growing greater than ever at such an amazing pace that we now know the time of the end is drawing close at hand. God said that His word would be preached into every nation for a witness and then would the END come!

   Are you remaining faithful in the task He has set before you? Are you living a life that is keeping you so close to God that you will not have to be ashamed to face our Saviour when He comes to judge us?

   Dear Co-Workers, I have to call on you to PRAY for the financing of God's work CONTINUALLY. This tight squeeze is still on — it will be, in all probability, for at least another six months — but already nearly every third request for literature from the NEW network listeners contains money — the amounts are still too small to help much, but in a few months they will increase and carry this added expense.

   OUR JOB IS TO HOLD THE FORT UNTIL THIS RESCUE COMES! We have now held out nearly five months. We can — we MUST hold on another five or six — and thus keep the work going with increasing POWER around the whole world!

   The most listened-to station in all the United States is probably WLW, Cincinnati, 700 on the dial. This super-power clear- channel station is heard clearly in all that territory in the north Atlantic, and north-east part of the United States, where XEG and XELO are not heard. The WORLD TOMORROW is now broadcast over super-power WLW every Sunday night at 10:30 Central time, 11:30 Eastern time. They have offered us time at this same hour every night in the year. We cannot afford the additional expense now, but I have instructed our advertising agency to order this time, 7 nights a week, beginning next October 1st, if the station is willing to reserve it and contract for it so far in advance. Constantly GOD IS OPENING NEW DOORS. WLW can be heard, I think, by all co-workers who live east of the Rocky Mountains, over the entire United States.

   Let's PUT ON THE PRESSURE in EARNEST PRAYING! I ask you all to make some EXTRA sacrifice these last two weeks of the month, when the going, financially, is always the toughest in God's work. If EVERY SINGLE ONE of you will just send the very largest offerings you are able, in addition to tithes, whether that be one or two dollars only, or whether it be five thousand or more, we can weather this storm, we can struggle thru this tight squeeze — we can keep this greatest work on earth going out to all the world! We have to send two of our ordained ministers to Britain and to Europe in June to minister to the thousands over there. The harvest is plenteous — the laborers are too few! But above all, we sorely need more MONEY laborers, who will help with tithes and liberal offerings.

   We're in another desperate crisis, as we seem to be the last half of every month. PRAY! SACRIFICE! Let's put our shoulder to the wheel as never before! THANKS, dear Co-Workers, from the bottom of my heart! Time is short! HURRY!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: March 17, 1954
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