December 09, 1957  
December 09, 1957 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight



Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW

BOX 111, Pasadena, California

Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

December 9, 1957

Dear Co-Worker with CHRIST:

   Here's the BIGGEST NEWS in many years!!

   Just when this world plunges suddenly into the terrifying SPACE age — the very SIGNAL of the fast-approaching annihilation of human life from off this planet — GOD ALMIGHTY ROCKETS HIS WORK FOR-WARD in mighty POWER!

   Here is the BIG NEWS! Here is what happened: This morning I heard, from our New York advertising agency for overseas broad- casting, that Dr. Charles E. Fuller's "Old Fashioned Revival Hour" broadcast is having to go off many of the radio stations in different parts of the world. Many of these powerful radio availabilities were offered to us for "The WORLD TOMORROW." By 11:AM, I had contacted our New York agency by phone and given them a firm order placing GOD'S WARNING MESSAGE on these choice broad- cast times around the world!!

   This is the biggest leap forward for God's great work in years! The WORLD TOMORROW is now the DOMINANT evangelistic crusade around the world!

   Here is what we added TODAY: Radio Tangier International, in northwest Africa just across the strait of Gibraltar from SPAIN, by which we shall reach ALL SPAIN in the Spanish language; and all the western part of the north coast of Africa in the French language, Saturday nites 10:PM. This is a very powerful station, reaching France and much of Europe. **** OKINAWA RADIO, reaching thousands of U.S. service men every Sunday noon. **** RADIO AMERICA, LIMA, PERU, the most powerful station in western SOUTH AMERICA, between 7 and 9:PM, exact time and day to be announced later — starting January, 1958. **** Radio CXA19, Montevideo, URUGUAY in South America, to start in January. NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE GOTTEN THE MESSAGE INTO SOUTH AMERICA — NOW WE ARE REACHING EVERY CONTINENT ON EARTH!!

   SOUTH AFRICA — a British Commonwealth nation. Because surveys showed we had the largest listening audience in South Africa — larger than the combined Network stations of the government — the powerful commercial station, Radio Lourenco- Marques opened up to us recently a second half-hour every week, giving us Tuesdays and Saturdays at 10:PM. TODAY we added Dr. Fuller's former time, 10:PM Mondays. NOW WE REACH THE WHITE, ENGLISH-SPEAKING NATION OF SOUTH AFRICA THREE TIMES A WEEK — Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, 10:PM.

   CHINA — the most populous nation on earth, RADIO TAIWAN, Chiang Kai-Shek's station (Formosa). This station has just increased its power to a super-power 50,000 watts, and now beams thru the "Bamboo Curtain" reaching all CHINA. We have already been on Wednesdays at 5:50 PM. TODAY we added Dr. Fuller's time, 7:PM. Sunday evenings — now reaching ALL CHINA twice a week!

   INDIA — second most populous nation on earth. Radio GOA is planning soon to increase power to reach all India, and all that part of the world. Now GOA reaches perhaps one eighth of India's congested population, where more people understand English than in Britain. We have been on Fridays at 9:PM. TODAY I also contracted for Dr. Fuller's time, Mondays, 9:PM. So we now broadcast to INDIA twice a week.

   Recently Radio Bangkok, in THAILAND (Siam) in the far southeast part of Asia, opened up a half hour FIVE TIMES A WEEK for The WORLD TOMORROW. WE start next month our sixth year on Radio Luxembourg, reaching all Britain, and Europe!

   Here's what this adds up to: We now can be heard, in the United States and Canada, over a population area of 170 million people DAILY. In Europe and Britain, weekly, a population area of 141 millions. South Africa, 3 times weekly over a population area of 13 millions. Australia, a population area of over 7 million. Radio Bangkok, 5 times a week, over a population area in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaya and Burma, of 50 million people. India, a population area of some 50 million people. A National Network in the Philippines, reaching weekly a population area of 20 million. Radio Tangier in Spain, Portugal, Morocco, and Algeria, a population area of 48 million. South America, a population area of 35 million.

   The WORLD TOMORROW now goes AROUND THE WORLD, into EVERY CONTINENT, and can now be heard over population areas by continents as follows:

North America - - - - - - - - - - - - 170 million people
South America - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 million people
Europe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 110 " "
Africa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 " "
Asia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 619 " "
Australia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 " "

GRAND TOTAL - - - - 966 " "

   THINK OF IT — almost a BILLION PEOPLE — almost HALF of all the people on this whole round earth!! This is where God is now thundering HIS MESSAGE by using you and me as His instruments!!

   Now finally, dear CO-WORKERS! As God expands His work, costs expand, and WE MUST ENLARGE OUR CONTRIBUTIONS! Beside this, the headquarters work and the college have completely outgrown present facilities, and certain building additions and even new buildings are now imperative! THIS WORK CAN'T STOP! God's work started the smallest of all, but like the grain of mustard seed, it must GROW until it becomes the LARGEST.

   I have to ask YOU, as a Co-Worker with Christ, to do TWO THINGS, right now, and continuously thru the new year: 1) Try to INCREASE your regular offerings and be FAITHFUL in sending in the TITHES (first tenth of your income) for God's work; and 2) SPEND MORE TIME PRAYING EARNESTLY FOR ME AND FOR THIS WHOLE GREAT WORK — praying that God will lay it heavily upon every heart He has made able, to respond more generously that there may be funds for God's work. Let's get closer to GOD than we ever did before!

   Remember, "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Get it in GOD'S WORK! Remember, all the tithes and offerings you put into God's work are DEDUCTIBLE ON YOUR INCOME TAX, up to 30% of taxable income — BUT, until we get a decision now pending from Washington, D.C., if you send in over 20%, get a receipt for all over 20% and up to 30% from Ambassador College.

   Remember, finally, THIS is the month when most people are spending so lavishly on Christmas gifts which they EXCHANGE with relatives and friends, that they forget altogether any gift for CHRIST or His work! They think (falsely) that they are honoring CHRIST'S birthday — yet they SNUB HIM, IGNORE HIM, and trade presents back and forth among themselves!

   GOD'S WORK NEEDS YOUR PRAYERS AND YOUR HELP, AS NEVER BEFORE! Thank you from the bottom of my heart — I know YOU will remain loyal to the Christ who DIED for you — and who today LIVES for you, and has opened these tremendous doors for us!!! Let our hearts be FILLED with GRATITUDE!!

With deep LOVE, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: December 09, 1957
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