Are You Sure Everybody's Doing It? Are You Sure Everybody's Doing It?
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Youth Magazine   -  December 1982

"It's going against everything I believe in, but there's still this thought in my mind that it's going to happen, sooner or later..." The letter was from an attractive teenage girl, a recent subscriber of Youth 82. In spite of the pressures of her friends at school, the permissive society we l ...

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Why Were You Born? Part 3 Why Were You Born? Part 3
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Yes, over beyond in pending catastrophic world happenings and destructions that will dwarf all past wars and troubles, is coming the glory, the divine splendor of the Kingdom of God. But listen, why doesn't God take every new convert immediately to his reward as soon as he's converted? Why must ...

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Lifting the Cloud of DEPRESSION Lifting the Cloud of DEPRESSION
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1984

Are you needlessly experiencing hopelessness and despair? It is time you understood the reasons for this all-too-common human affliction! It is a tragic but real fact of life. Mental depression has run like a heavy dark thread throughout the fabric of human history. Men and women, the great and smal ...

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Are You Sure Are You Sure "Everybody's Doing It"?
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Youth Magazine   -  December 1985

"It's going against everything I believe in, but there's still this thought in my mind that it's going to happen, sooner or later..." The letter was from an attractive teenage girl, a subscriber of Youth 85. In spite of the pressures of her friends at school, the permissive society w ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 18, 1981 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 18, 1981
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  May 18, 1981

Semiannually I send a personal letter to our more than two million subscribers. At this time I want to offer again a most important and eye-opening book—not a pamphlet or a small booklet, but a full-sized book—GRATIS to you as a subscriber, and no request for contributions. This may seem strange. I ...

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World's First Space Station...Triumph and Tragedy World's First Space Station...Triumph and Tragedy
George L Johnson  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1971

Though the flight ended in tragedy, the Soviets recently accomplished another space first. Will it affect present U.S. space policy with military considerations, forcing another crash space program? Or will public pressure prevent it? Soviet space technology recently scored another impressive first. ...

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Are You Just Are You Just "ENDURING TO THE END"?
Richard A Wiedenheft  -  Good News   -  July-September 1973

Some in God's Church simply intend to "tough it out" until Christ returns. Literally, they are "ENDURING to the end" (Matt. 24:13) - but not the way Christ intended. Are you making their mistake? THINK BACK to the time just before your first contact with the message proclaimed ...

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The Hidden Knowledge The Hidden Knowledge
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1979

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - Why so many different religions in the world? No two agree. Yet I suppose most feel that theirs is the one and only RIGHT religion. And then there are the millions, religious and nonreligious, who, through modern education, accept the theory of evolution. Evolutio ...

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Why God Is Not Real to Most People Why God Is Not Real to Most People
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  January 1985

Millions say they believe in God - but WHY does He seem so FAR OFF to them? Millions have heard ABOUT God, but do not KNOW God. This article tells you HOW you CAN! Are you like the person who said to me, "Oh, I believe in God all right, but it seems like He is so far off - so UNREAL"? WHY ...

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Your Awesome Future Your Awesome Future
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1978

It's positively astounding! The awesome purpose of human life has remained undiscovered by science. Higher education has never taught it. And organized religion has failed to announce it. At Last Revealed! The Incredible Human Potential. Does it make sense to you - when humanity has been endo ...

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Second Thoughts About the Third World Second Thoughts About the Third World
John A Halford  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1984

INTERNATIONAL DESK - The shower head fell into the bathtub again this morning. It always does when I try to adjust it. Not that it really matters-the hotel doesn't have any running water today anyway. Or electricity. The cleaner (if that is what you call the man who comes in twice a day to rearran ...

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Your Faith - It May Be the Death of You Your Faith - It May Be the Death of You
Roger G Lippross  -  Good News   -  August 1984

Some will not make it into God's Kingdom - and all because of their faith! What about you? Without faith you will not be saved - you cannot qualify for God's Kingdom. Yet no subject pertaining to salvation is more misunderstood in professing Christianity than that of saving faith! Some time ago, ...

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Old Barracks and the New Europe Old Barracks and the New Europe
John A Halford  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1985

The land that lies between Katowice and Krakow is hardly the most beautiful in Europe. It is frozen and bleak in winter, a swamp in summer. It is now part of southern Poland, although it has changed hands several times in the ebb and flow of history. At the end of the last century it was known as Ga ...

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Why God Is Not Real to Most People Why God Is Not Real to Most People
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  August 1969

Millions say they believe in God - but WHY does He seem so FAR OFF to them? Millions have heard ABOUT God, but do not KNOW God. This article tells you HOW you CAN! ARE YOU LIKE the person who said to me, "O I believe in God all right, but it seems like He is so far off - SO UNREAL!" WHY do most peop ...

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The Dilemma of Death! The Dilemma of Death!
John R Schroeder  -  Tomorrow's World   -  January 1972

Why should death be such a dilemma to most people? And is there a resurrection to reunite you with your departed loved ones? Read the answers in this revealing article. FEW among us have not been shaken to the very roots — wounded to the very depths of our being by the death of a loved one. Even the ...

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